 “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”  “No church ever drifts toward church growth.”  “Great leaders always lead from the front.”  “Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: " “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”  “No church ever drifts toward church growth.”  “Great leaders always lead from the front.”  “Ministry."— Presentation transcript:


2  “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”  “No church ever drifts toward church growth.”  “Great leaders always lead from the front.”  “Ministry takes place when God’s divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.”



5  Having a burden for the lost in your community.  Accepting responsibility for them.  A willingness to do that which is best, not necessarily that which is comfortable.  Always remembering that: Wynnbrook exists for those not yet Here.


7  Reaching out to the community.  Caring for the needs of both members and prospects.  Teaching God’s Word to win the lost and develop the saved.




11  Does not obligate them to us but just the opposite - it obligates us to them. They become a part of our Ministry List.  We must take responsibility to be faithful to provide the very best Bible study, fellowship and caring ministry possible to meet their needs.  Gives us an opportunity to minister to them as they open their lives to our church.


13  Bible Study enrollment increases.  Average attendance increases.  Number of persons reached for Christ and meaningful church membership.  Number of new classes.  Number of workers engaged in planning & visitation.


15  Growing  User Friendly  Updated & Fine Tuned  Part of your strategy Remember it is the source of new life in your class!

16 A person is a viable prospect when you have 5 pieces of information on file: e  Name  Birthdate  Home Address / Email Address  Telephone Number  Spiritual ConditionC


18  Contribute to the effectiveness of your Bible Study Ministry.  Need to be done by those who are responsible for the ministry.  Be done personally & prayerfully.  Include:  Ministry Opportunities & Expectations  Ministry Job Descriptions  Training & Equipping Opportunities





23 Remember: “Growth always follows ministry!” & “Great Leaders always lead from the front!”

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