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To know the past is not only important, but pretty darned cool if you think about it Important: not to know one’s past is to remain a child-if you.

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4 To know the past is not only important, but pretty darned cool if you think about it Important: not to know one’s past is to remain a child-if you don’t know where you have been, you can’t go forward-whoever controls the past controls the future-you could be told anything and think it was true if you did not have your own knowledge-you could be taught that you have always been a slave to the govt. and if you didn’t know better you would believe it-think the Nazi’s and 1984 Why United States History: This is the nation in which you live…it is important to know how it came to be the society in which you live right now….for you in the present…and for you in the future

5 Gain a deeper and richer knowledge of U. S. history Discover the role of Kansas in the American landscape and Lawrence in the history of Kans Attain a successful l score on the AP Exam in May Most importantly: enjoy the journey through the history of the United States, Kansas, and Lawrence

6 General Class Themes Different Cultures Create a New Culture: Struggles of a Multi-Ethnic Society U. S. Constitution: Struggle of Three Branches America in World Affairs: Isolationism, Imperialism, Superpower and Everything in Between Federal Government and State Governments and the Individual: Role of Government in American Life

7 American Identity and Diversity: diversity of U.S. people and relationships among different groups. The role of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in the history of the United States. Views of the American national character & ideas about U.S. Exceptionalism. Environmental Issues: ideas about the consumption and conservation of natural resources. The impact of population growth, industrialization, pollution, and urban and suburban expansion. Globalization: engagement with the world from the 15th century to the present: colonialism, Mercantilism, global hegemony, development of markets, imperialism, and cultural exchange. Politics & Citizenship: colonial and revolutionary legacies, U.S. political traditions, growth of democracy & development of the modern state. Defining citizenship: struggles for civil rights. Slavery: its Impact and Legacy: systems of slave labor and other forms of unfree labor (e.g., indentured servants, contract labor) in Native American societies, the Atlantic world, and the American South and West. The economics of slavery and its racial dimensions. Patterns of resistance and the long-term economic, political, and social effects of slavery Transforming Economy: Capitalism to Welfare State- does either fit??

8 Grades will be based on the accumulation of points from the following: Quizzes over readings and chapters Essays: in class and take home Work Sheets both in class and take home Group Work/Primary Source Work 3 Daily Class Points Articles Blog Participation Research Paper Second SemesterPaper Additions for Honors/AP Document Based Questions AP Workbook Attendance in AP Meetings Quarterly Book Critiques Weekly Journal Article Reports Article Questions Practice AP Essays Due Dates Assignments are expected to be turned in on the date assigned; 10% will be deducted for each day late. You may always come and talk to me about reasonable requests for an alternate due date Hard Work YOU WILL GET OUT OF THIS CLASS WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT-IF YOU “BLOW IT OFF” IT WILL BE WORTHLESS!!!!

9  Class Expectations for 2012-2013: We will discuss this more at the beginning of the year as I feel it is important that that you express your own expectations of yourself and of me….you are half the dynamic that makes this class room-your thoughts and ideas count!!!!! :-) :-)  Because I value you and your potential for the future these are my expectations of you  · You will come to class prepared and ready to go-you will only get out of this class what you put into it…be ready to learn something…be ready to advance yourself every day  · You will respect yourself, instructor and fellow students in the class room  Respect  § listening while instructor is talking  § listening while fellow students are stating their ideas  § having your work done-shows you care for the class and your own time  § treating the teacher and fellow students in a manner in which you would like to be treated and addressed  § allowing fellow students to learn and enjoy the class even if you are having a tough/distracted day  Expectations of me: Each of you will be treated with respect and valued as students and young adults That I fully support and encourage you in your quest to advance yourself Positive interactions will be recognized and valued The class will be organized and an invigorating learning experience-I will come to class each day ready to teach and explain I will always do my bst to take into account the Seabury schedule and your schedule when assigning due dates. Papers and assignments will be returned within a week of the due date Assignments will have a purpose and help you learn the materialhelp Teacher will always be available for help  Repercussions: Two Reprimands Moved from seat to another location/loss of daily points Asked to leave room and go to Commons-discuss after class Meeting with parents and Dean of Students as appropriate 


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