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EUROPEAN REVIEW. Define Landlocked Country that does not border an ocean or a sea.

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2 Define Landlocked Country that does not border an ocean or a sea

3 Define Pass Low areas between mountains that allow movement of people and goods

4 Define Navigable Wide and deep enough for boats to travel along

5 What is the longest river in Europe? The Volga (Russia) The Danube

6 What is the largest country in Europe? Ukraine

7 What is the smallest country in Europe? VATICAN CITY

8 What five countries make up Scandinavia? Norway Finland Sweden Denmark Iceland

9 What four regions make up the United Kingdom? England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland

10 What two countries are found on the British Isle? United Kingdom Ireland

11 What environmental issues does Europe have? Air pollution – caused by the burning of coal, gas, and oil by cars, factories, and power plants Acid rain Water pollution

12 How do leaders try to deal with this? Limit the dependence on oil Encourage recycling

13 What is acid rain? When the precipitation mixes with the chemicals in the atmosphere.

14 How has acid rain affected the landmarks of Europe? The acid rain has destroyed many landmarks in Europe. Some of the statues are unrecognizable.

15 What happened at Chernobyl? Where was Chernobyl? A nuclear disaster occurred at a power plant in Ukraine. Why was it considered the worst nuclear disaster? Shot radioactive materials into the sky, caused a fire that lasted for 10 days; dust and ash fell throughout Europe

16 What was the first group to practice a democracy? The Greeks

17 How has the Roman Empire influenced the world today? -Helped spread Christianity throughout the European continent -Inspired European architects through its use of the dome and arch - Many European languages are based on Latin, the language of Rome

18 What were John Locke’s ideas and how did that inspire America? Ideas that all people had natural rights and the right to life, liberty, and property Inspired the American colonists to fight for their independence

19 Who was Martin Luther and what was he responsible for doing? German religious leader Created the protestant religion

20 Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church? The Pope

21 How did the period of exploration change Europe? Brought wealth to European countries Started a period of exploration Began a period of colonization

22 During the period of enlightenment, Europeans focused on _____________ rather than faith and tradition. SCIENCE and REASON

23 Whose theory about the rights of man inspired revolutions in America? John Locke

24 What is the European Union? A group of European countries that have united together for economic gain

25 What is the common currency of the European Union? EURO

26 How has the European Union improved life in Europe? Countries of Europe can trade more easily between themselves Goods, services and workers can move freely among the countries in the European Union

27 Art, literature, and music were influenced by what cultural element? Religion

28 What religion has had the most influence on European life? Christianity What other major world religions are found in Europe? Judaism Islam

29 What is the chunnel? Underwater tunnel that links the United Kingdom and France by the English Channel.

30 What is a Parliamentary Democracy? Voters elect members of Parliament and the party with the most elected officials appoint the Prime Minister. Where: United Kingdom

31 Which continental landmass is connected to Europe? Asia

32 What is the most plentiful fuel resource in Europe? Coal

33 How does Europe attempt to limit its dependence on oil? They set a high price on gas.

34 What does Renaissance mean? French word for “rebirth” What effected the time before this? The Renaissance came after the Dark Ages

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