Course Selection Course Selection Information MATIC.COM/WATCH/CDVLY8HC13.

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5 Course Selection

6 Course Selection Information HTTP://SCREENCAST-O- MATIC.COM/WATCH/CDVLY8HC13

7 Course CatalogCourse Catalog Course Request SheetCourse Request Sheet Note: It is recommended that you make your course selections in pencil

8 High performing Challenge students Independent learners Self Advocate Study and prepare assignments independently Organized Exit Guidelines

9 English Credit  English 2  English 2 Pre AP  English 2 Pre AP/GT

10 Math Credit  Geometry, Geometry Pre AP, or Geometry Pre AP/GT  Math Models  Algebra 2, Algebra 2 Pre AP, Algebra 2 Pre AP/GT  Pre Calculus, Pre Calculus Pre AP, or Pre Calculus Pre AP/GT  Current math teacher with provide recommendation

11 Science Credit  IPC  Chemistry, Chemistry Pre AP, Chemistry Pre/AP GT  Current Science teacher will provide recommendation

12 Social Studies Credit * Depends on your endorsement and future university requirements  World History  World History Pre AP, or World History AP/GT  Note: Students may not take US History until the 11 th grade. It is strongly encouraged for all 10 th graders to take World History.

13 Two credits of the same foreign language are required to graduate  Spanish  Spanish for Spanish Speakers  French  German  American Sign Language  Chinese  Japanese

14 1 credit required to graduate:  Band  Choir  Orchestra  Theater Arts or Technical Theater  Art 1 & Advanced Art Courses  Dance & Drill Team Training  Digital Arts & Animation  Floral Design

15  Football  Basketball  Cross Country  Track  Soccer  Baseball  Volleyball  Softball  Tennis  Swimming  Diving  Golf  Wrestling

16  Two semesters of PE (or equivalent)  Fall semester of Band/Color Guard meets PE requirement  One semester of Health  Communication Skills Component

17 Note: Principles of Health Science must taken in10 th grade in order to go into EMT and/or Clinical Programs at Miller.

18 Consider Your Endorsement You will choose three electives Make sure you have three “full year” electives Ex: health/photojournalism; Health/Teen Leadership If want to be on yearbook staff, must take journalism

19 Carefully consider your electives and alternates! Please make sure you select electives and alternates in which you are interested. There is always a possibility you will not be able to get into your first choice elective and will be placed in one of your alternates. ****** Elective changes will not be honored after course selections are made and finalized through the course verification process.

20 Complete your course request sheet in pencil. CRHS Counselors will visit students during English classes through March 11 th. Make sure you have chosen an endorsement.

21 You will receive a course verification sheet later in the spring. – The course verification sheet lists course selections and endorsement for 2016 – 2017. – The selected endorsement appears as an additional course Review all selections for accuracy. Make any necessary changes on the verification sheet. List alternate choices in the order of preference. All course verification sheet must be turned in and signed by a parent even if there are no changes

22 Now is the time to discuss course options with parents and teachers. Students may request a change in course selections for the following year until the conclusion of the course verification process. After course verification, requests for schedule changes will only be honored for a limited number of reasons such as: 1.Student failure in a prerequisite course; 2.Change in program per coach/sponsor’s approval 3.Level changes as recommended by teachers and school counselor with parental knowledge and principal approval; 4.Student did not meet standard on the STAAR/EOC, or did not meet standard on the benchmark test. ** ELECTIVE CHANGES WILL NOT BE HONORED **

23 This PowerPoint will be posted on the Cinco Ranch website Course Selection Due Date: January 29 th to English teacher

24 in/Pages/Summer-Term.aspx Registration will take place in Mid- April/See campus website Sessions Session I June 14-June 27 Session 2 June 28-July 14 At Taylor High School

25 Website gy/katyonline/Pages/Katy-Virtual-School.aspx Advanced Placement and Academic Courses are offered See website for registration information

26 Important Info  PSAT will be give to all 10 th and 11 th graders in October 2016. Practice Info: Some students also take test prep courses through Test Masters, Kumon, Sylvan, etc.



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