State of the Organization August 2008 Kissimmee, Florida Brig. Gen. Amy S. Courter Interim National Commander.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Organization August 2008 Kissimmee, Florida Brig. Gen. Amy S. Courter Interim National Commander."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Organization August 2008 Kissimmee, Florida Brig. Gen. Amy S. Courter Interim National Commander

2 CAP in the 21 st Century Mission Mission Vision Vision Long-term Objectives Long-term Objectives

3 Our mission “Supporting America’s communities with emergency response, diverse aviation and ground service, youth development and promotion of air and space power.” “Supporting America’s communities with emergency response, diverse aviation and ground service, youth development and promotion of air and space power.”

4 Our vision “The nation’s finest citizens serving our communities with integrity, service, excellence and respect.” “The nation’s finest citizens serving our communities with integrity, service, excellence and respect.”

5 Key Objectives Provide Quality Training Provide Quality Training Build Public Trust Build Public Trust Brand CAP as a Resource of Choice Brand CAP as a Resource of Choice Promote the Value and Significance of CAP’s Cadet Program Promote the Value and Significance of CAP’s Cadet Program Promote the Talent and Opportunities of our Adult Membership Promote the Talent and Opportunities of our Adult Membership

6 Key objectives Brand CAP as a National Aerospace Education Leader Brand CAP as a National Aerospace Education Leader Establish Public Awareness of CAP’s Missions Establish Public Awareness of CAP’s Missions Communicate CAP’s Financial Needs and Benefits Communicate CAP’s Financial Needs and Benefits Brand CAP as a Volunteer Organization of Choice Brand CAP as a Volunteer Organization of Choice

7 Provide Quality Training Professional Development focus on ethics (35-10) Professional Development focus on ethics (35-10) Specialty Track for Commanders Specialty Track for Commanders ARCHER Training 300% increase ARCHER Training 300% increase National Emergency Services Academy 41% increase in members who attended National Emergency Services Academy 41% increase in members who attended

8 Build Public Trust Safety First – 50 % decrease in accidents Safety First – 50 % decrease in accidents Consolidated Maintenance Consolidated Maintenance –80% of Wings by end of year –Funds vehicle maintenance and AF unfunded areas. Wing Banker Wing Banker –Positioned for A+ Financial Audit Web Mission Information Reporting System (WMIRS) Web Mission Information Reporting System (WMIRS) –100% accountability for mission related funds

9 Brand CAP as a Resource of Choice Everything we do brands the organization Everything we do brands the organization –Over 19,000 news clips –Over 3 million web hits Public awareness and crisis planning Public awareness and crisis planning –100% percent Wing PA plans by end of calendar year –2 nd Edition of PAO toolkit will be released this fall

10 Promote Cadet Programs 7,000 Orientation Flights – –7% increase from FY07 Over 2000 Glider Sorties – –27% increase from 06 to 07 $300,000 in Scholarships 30 National Activities – –Evergreen Aviation Academy – –4 cadets hired on the spot

11 Promote Senior Membership 35,000 strong 35,000 strong Opportunities to Serve Opportunities to Serve –Chaplains, teachers, families Senior Members are Role Models for Cadets Senior Members are Role Models for Cadets Enhance Recruiting and Retention Enhance Recruiting and Retention –2% increase in Senior membership

12 Brand CAP as Nationwide AE Leader Journey of Flight Journey of Flight –2 nd edition 14500 printed copies Fly-A-Teacher Fly-A-Teacher –10% of AEMs receive O-Flights New AE Awards New AE Awards –CAP Teacher of the Year School Enrichment Program (ASAE Award Winner) School Enrichment Program (ASAE Award Winner) –1 of 11 programs chosen nationwide

13 Establish Public Awareness of CAP’s Missions 103 lives saved 103 lives saved –80% of 1 st AF daily missions Multi-wing responses Multi-wing responses – floods, tornadoes, wildfires Fossett search Fossett search –17,000 man hours 2 nd National Cadet Open House 2 nd National Cadet Open House –Increase in youth membership Increase in AEMs Increase in AEMs –Doubled from 700 to 1400

14 CAP Financial Needs and Benefits Ensure Adequate Funding Ensure Adequate Funding –“Friendraise” locally –Become a community asset –Find areas where you can volunteer Low cost to taxpayers: About $120 an hour per aircraft flown Low cost to taxpayers: About $120 an hour per aircraft flown –Cost effective force multiplier

15 Best Place for Volunteers Mission/Vision/LTOs Mission/Vision/LTOs Open, Honest, Engaging Culture Open, Honest, Engaging Culture Prioritization of Needs Prioritization of Needs Process Improvement (actions taken to identify, analyze and improve) Process Improvement (actions taken to identify, analyze and improve) Power to transcend paradigms Power to transcend paradigms Benefits – inherent and additional Benefits – inherent and additional

16 Conference Sponsors Cessna Aircraft Company Cessna Aircraft Company America’s Aircraft Engines, Inc. America’s Aircraft Engines, Inc. Wilson, Price Barranco, Blankenship & Billingsley, P.C. Wilson, Price Barranco, Blankenship & Billingsley, P.C. Southern Avionics & Communications, Inc. Southern Avionics & Communications, Inc. Quartz Mountain Aerospace Quartz Mountain Aerospace Docupak Docupak

17 Spread the word! Get others to join. Get others to join. You help CAP and the nation by doing so! You help CAP and the nation by doing so!

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