Tystysgrif Addysgu yn y Sector Dysgu Gydol Oes Certificate to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Tiwtor/ Tutor : Arfon Rhys BSc Dip Ed.FCIPD MIfL 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Tystysgrif Addysgu yn y Sector Dysgu Gydol Oes Certificate to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Tiwtor/ Tutor : Arfon Rhys BSc Dip Ed.FCIPD MIfL 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tystysgrif Addysgu yn y Sector Dysgu Gydol Oes Certificate to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Tiwtor/ Tutor : Arfon Rhys BSc Dip Ed.FCIPD MIfL 2. Asesiad Cychwynol 2. Initial Assessment

2 Asesiad Cychwynol Initial Assessment ► Pwrpas asesiad cychwynol yw sicrhau fod dysgwyr ar y cwrs cywir ac yn cael eu cefnogi tra ar y cwrs. ► Cytuno lle i ddechrau ► Adnabod nod y dysgu ► Cynllunio ffyrdd tuag at y nod ► The purpose of initial assessment is to ensure that learners are on the right programme and properly supported while on it. ► agree starting points ► identify learning goals ► plan routes towards these goals.

3 Beth yw y cwrs cywir? What is the right course? 1. Lefel cywir yn ól gallu’r myfyrwyr 2. Addas i ddiddordebau y myfyrwyr 3. Dilyniant cywir 4. Cymysgedd cywir 5. Uchelgais gyrfa’r myfyriwr 6.Yn unol a anghenion mynediad y cwrs ► Right level for the student ability ► Suitable for the interest of the student ► Correct progression ► Right combinations ► Career ambition of student ► In line with the entry requirements

4 Mathau o Asesu Types of Assessment ► Cyfweliad ► Scan sgiliau ► Arddulliau dysgu ► Prawf VAK ► Prawf meddygol ► Gwirio Troseddau ► Prawf lliwiau ► Prawf dislecsia ► Interview ► Skills scan ► Learning Styles ► VAK test ► Medical test ► Criminal Record ► Colour blind test ► Dyslexia test

5 Gwahanol fathau o brofion Different types of tests ► Prawf Sgrinio megis prawf sgiliau ► Profion Diagnostig – cael gwybodaeth am cryfderau a gwendidau unigolion ► Dangosydd - cael syniad o ddewisiadau personol megis arddulliau dysgu ► Hunan Asesiad – i hybu dysgwyr i adfyfyrio ar ei perfformiad eu hunain ► Profion seicometrig – i roi mesuriadau gwrthrychol a nodweddion seicolegol er mwyn adnabod gallu person mewn maes arbennig ► Screening tests – e.g. skills testing ► Diagnostic tests – to provide information about individual strengths and weaknesses ► Inventories – to provide an indication of personal preferences, e.g. for styles of learning. ► Self-assessments – to encourage individuals to reflect on their own performance. ► Psychometric tests – to provide objective measures of psychological characteristics in order to give an indication of the person’s potential and capability in a specific area.

6 Pynciau i’w trafod mewn cyfweliadau Topics covered in interviews ► Rhesymau am wneud cais ► Amcanion ac uchelgais gyrfa ► Sgiliau personol ► Profiad blaenorol ► Llwyddiant blaenorol ► Cefnogaeth sydd ei angen ► Hobiau a diddordebau ► Hoffderau/ cas bethau ► Teithio i’r cwrs ► Iechyd ► Amodau personol reasons for applying ► career aims and aspirations ► personal skills ► previous experiences ► prior achievement ► support needed ► hobbies and interests ► likes/dislikes ► travel to training ► health ► personal circumstances

7 Proses asesiad cychwynol dda Good initial assessment process ► Yn digwydd yn gynnar - o fewn y dyddiau cyntaf o gysylltiad gyda’r dysgwyr ► Nid yw yr un peth a recriwtio ► Proses yw e nid un digwyddiad ► Yn helpu darparwyr i wybod fwy am y dysgwyr ► Yn helpu dysgwyr i wybod fwy am eu hunain a’r rhaglen ( beth byddant yn dysgu a sut) ► is done early on – in the first few days of contact with learners ► is different from selection ► is a process, not a single event ► uses a range of methods ► helps providers to find out about learners ► helps learners to find out about themselves and their programme (what they will learn, and how).

8 Asesu er mwyn monitro Assessment for monitoring ► Niferoedd – rhywedd ► Nifer lleiafrifoedd ► Gofal am anabledd ► Iaith y cwrs ► Dulliau addysgu ► Cefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr ► Cyllido’r cwrs ► Adnoddau ei angen ► Gender numbers ► Minorities numbers ► Care for disabled ► Language of course ► Teaching methods ► Support to students ► Course funding ► Resources needed

9 Cyfeiriadau / References ► ► Adult Learning Inspectorate (2003) Starting Points: Initial Assessment. ► ► Clough, L and Foster, A (2002) Good Practice Guide on Initial Assessment and Individual Training Plans. (DfES) ► ► DfEE (2002) Initial Assessment of Learning and Support Needs and Planning Learning to Meet Needs. ► ► Green, M (2003) Improving initial assessment in work- based learning. (LSDA) ► ► Green, M (2002) Initial assessment: a learner-centred process. (LSDA) ► ► Moorse, R and Clough, L (2002) Recognition and reward: using feedback for learner success. (LSDA)

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