Digwyddiad Defnyddwyr Ystadegau Addysg 10 Gorffennaf 2013 Education Statistics User Event 10 July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Digwyddiad Defnyddwyr Ystadegau Addysg 10 Gorffennaf 2013 Education Statistics User Event 10 July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digwyddiad Defnyddwyr Ystadegau Addysg 10 Gorffennaf 2013 Education Statistics User Event 10 July 2013

2 Ystadegau Sgiliau James Carey, Gwybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Skills Statistics James Carey, Labour Market Intelligence Project

3 Labour Market Intelligence Project Gwybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Arolygon Sgiliau a dadansoddiadau perthnasol Rhoi Gwybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur ar y We Gwybodaeth amser real am y Farchnad Lafur i unigolion Targedu negeseuon am y Farchnad Lafur i gynulleidfaoedd allweddol Gweithgareddau ychwanegol Skills Surveys and related analysis LMI Web Presence Real-time LMI to individuals Targeting LMI messages to key audiences Additional Activities

4 National Strategic Skills Audit for Wales 2012 Archwiliad o Sgiliau Strategol Cenedlaethol Cymru 2012 Data from the Employer Skills Survey 2011, Working Futures 2010- 2020 and other sources Comprehensive and easily-accessible synthesis Used to identify priority areas for action Data o Arolwg o Sgiliau Cyflogwyr 2011, Working Futures 2010-2020 a ffynonellau eraill Synthesis cynhwysfawr a hwylus Ei ddefnyddio i nodi meysydd blaenoriaeth

5 Priority Areas for Action Meysydd â Blaenoriaeth o ran Gweithredu Degree of certainty Magnitude Lead time Criticality Traffic light system Pa mor sicr Hyd a lled Amser hyfforddi Pa mor hollbwysig System goleuadau traffig

6 Red Priorities Blaenoriaethau Coch Increasing skill demands and job volumes for corporate manager roles Need to improve management capability in exploitation of technology to optimise business benefits Continued high demand for teaching professionals in the education sector Cynyddu’r galw am sgiliau a gwaith rheolwyr corfforaethol Yr angen i wella gallu rheolwyr i fanteisio ar dechnoleg i sicrhau’r budd mwyaf posibl i fusnesau Y galw uchel parhaus am weithwyr addysg proffesiynol yn y sector addysg

7 Red Priorities Blaenoriaethau Coch High demand for health professionals, from both expansion and replacement demand Continued demand for workers in skilled construction / building trades, metal, electrical and electronic trades Growing demand for caring and personal service occupations including care assistants Y galw uchel am weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, yn rhai ychwanegol ac yn rhai i gymryd lle eraill Y galw parhaus am weithwyr â sgiliau ym meysydd adeiladu, metel, trydan ac electronig Y galw cynyddol ym meysydd gofal a gwasanaeth personol, gan gynnwys cynorthwywyr gofal

8 Learning and Skills Observatory Arsyllfa Dysgu a Sgiliau The Learning and Skills Observatory is fully bilingual Mae’r Arsyllfa Dysgu a Sgiliau yn gwbl ddwyieithog

9 Learning and Skills Observatory Arsyllfa Dysgu a Sgiliau The Learning and Skills Observatory is fully bilingual Mae’r Arsyllfa Dysgu a Sgiliau yn gwbl ddwyieithog

10 Future Work Gwaith ar gyfer y Dyfodol Employer Perspectives Survey Employer Skills Survey Working Futures Welsh Language Skills Needs Arolwg o Safbwyntiau Cyflogwyr Arolwg o Sgiliau Cyflogwyr Working Futures Yr angen am sgiliau yn y Gymraeg

11 Gwybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Beth sydd ei angen arnoch? Rhowch wybod inni: LMI@cymru.gsi.gov.uk Labour Market Intelligence Project What do you want? Please let us know: LMI@wales.gsi.gov.uk

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