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清远市新北江小学 课件制作:李思蓓 执 教:李思蓓 I…I… What did you do ____? Ask and answer.

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Presentation on theme: "清远市新北江小学 课件制作:李思蓓 执 教:李思蓓 I…I… What did you do ____? Ask and answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 清远市新北江小学 课件制作:李思蓓 执 教:李思蓓

3 I…I… What did you do ____? Ask and answer.

4 play computer games call my father listen to music call my friend play soccer play the piano watch TV clean the window play the violin study English visit my uncle study math

5 bored happy sad 烦闷

6 Hello,I’m Miss Li. I’m going to talk about my plan. In the morning, I’m going to cook some food. In the afternoon,I’m going to get a hair cut. In the evening,I’m going to shop for clothes. I’m going to be happy.

7 Guess. 猜出词组 cook some food get a haircut shop for clothes

8 Cook cook cook some food. Get get get a hair cut. Shop shop shop for clothes.

9 Guess. 猜出词组

10 Do you know what Jenny and Gogo are going to do today?


12 Q1 : Is Jenny going to cook some food? Q2 : What is Gogo going to do?


14 Q1 : Is Jenny going to cook some food? Q2 : What is Gogo going to do?

15 Gogo: I’m bored,What are you going to do today? Jenny: I don’t know. Gogo: Are you going to cook some food? Jenny: No,I’m not. Gogo: Are you going to shop for clothes? Jenny: No,I’m not. Gogo: Are you going to get a haircut? Jenny: No,I’m not. Gogo: What are you going to do today? Gogo: I’m going to ask you questions. Jenny: Oh,Gogo.

16 Gogo is bored. What is he going to do ? He’s going to What questions? 1. Are you going to ? 2. Are you going to ? 3. Are you going to ? cook some food shop for clothes get a haircut Jenny ask questions.

17 I’m bored. What you going to today? aredo I know.don’t

18 you going to cook some ?Arefood No, I’m.not

19 Are you to shop clothes? No,. I’m not goingfor

20 Are you going to get a haircut? No,I’m not.

21 What are you going to do today?

22 I’m going to ask you questions. Oh,Gogo.

23 A:What are you going to do today? B:Are you going to ……? A:Are you going to…? B:Yes,I am.\No,I’m not.

24 Write about your plan. 写一些关于你的计划。 要求: 1 、 Write neatly. 书写工整。 2, no wrong words, sentences fluent. 没有错的单词,语句通顺。 3, able to use the correct tense for writing. 能运用正确的时态进行写作。 My plan Hello, I’m. I’m going to talk about my plan. In the morning,I’m going to. … In the afternoon,.. …. ……... In the evening,,.……


26 My plan Hello,I’m kitty. I’m going to talk about my plan. In the morning, I’m going to have a party. In the afternoon,I’m going to meet some friends. and shop for books. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV. I’m going to be happy. Hello,I’m kitty. I’m going to talk about my plan. In the morning, I’m going to have a party. In the afternoon,I’m going to meet some friends. and shop for books. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV. I’m going to be happy.

27 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。 A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

28 Homework (1)Listen to the tape and read Conversation. (听录音并读课文。) (2) Please make a weekend plan for yourselves (用表格拟订本周末计划, 向家人介绍,并对照执行。)


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