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Supervision Essentials I Administrative Office of the Courts Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Boundless Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision Essentials I Administrative Office of the Courts Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Boundless Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision Essentials I Administrative Office of the Courts Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Boundless Results




5 Administrative Office of the Courts "... To Advance the Efficient and Effective Operation of the Washington Judicial System" AOC Mission Statement

6 AOC Administration Information Services Division Judicial Services Division Management Services Division

7 Performance Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to Define and describe your attributes as a supervisor and leader. Understand your unique operating environment as a supervisor.

8 Performance Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to Identify communication tools to better connect with your staff. Discover how to create and motivate your team.

9 Performance Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to Create a positive and motivating environment for your staff Identify specific actions that you can take to enhance your effectiveness as a leader

10 More RESOURCES For the Slides for this course, plus a MYRIAD of additional resources:

11 Questions?

12 Parking Lot

13 Leadership Resources For a list of leadership resources, go to







20 A Few Norms

21 My BLOG is

22 A Few Norms Confidentiality Have Fun! Start and End on time Respect other Opinions Be open to Learning

23 Think about your favorite supervisor. What 1 quality did/does that person possess?

24 Role and Responsibility of the Supervisor

25 Characteristics of a Good Supervisor Good communication skillsTeam builder High IntegrityKnowledgeable about state policies Develops peopleManages changes Able to manage timeGives recognition Ability to coachEmpowers others Constant learnerHolds people accountable Good delegatorDeals with conflict

26 Letting Go Success means letting go of operating duties and taking on new challenges

27 Life in the Buffer Zone You may feel caught in the middle between differing points of view and conflicting expectations. You will be held accountable for meeting your manager’s expectations and keeping your employees satisfied.

28 Responsibilities of Supervisors

29 ObjectiveDuties and tasksAccepted methods Performance stdsImprovementPolicies and rules

30 Responsibilities of Supervisors

31 Tips for New Supervisors Form groups of 3-4 Read your assigned tips on page 11 “Flesh” out your tips with real-life examples, pitfalls, or additional strategies

32 Leadership Understands their team’s goal Encourages others to move together toward the goal Self-improvement for self and others Help others move in a positive direction Is self-aware

33 Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out. ~ Stephen Covey

34 Workers don’t leave their jobs; they leave their supervisors. When was this true of you (Or someone you know). What specifically caused you/them to leave their supervisor? What could the supervisor have done differently to keep you (or the person you know?)

35 Recruitment, Selection and Hiring

36 Total Compensation Salary Benefits Workplace Environment

37 Performance Management Performance Planning Coaching/Mentoring Leading employees out of performance lethargy Work/Life Balance FMLA without guilt Tele-working Personal time hours Office Environment Professional level office furniture Lighting, ventilation Ergonomic analysis Workplace Culture Caring, empathetic Communication as a core value Supports management

38 Communication

39 Communication Styles Group Questions 1.What are the 3 strengths of your style? 2.What are the 2 weaknesses of your style? 3. 4.What is something others don’t know about your style? 5.What do you need from the team to be effective? 6.How do you like to be communicated with?

40 Coaching and Motivating Others


42 Teaching v. Coaching A teacher shows or tells. A coach helps another see or do for themselves. Continuum of Learning TeachingCoaching New employees Experienced employees

43 Action Steps

44 Congratulations!

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