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An Age of Ideologies Chapter 4 Section 1.

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1 An Age of Ideologies Chapter 4 Section 1

2 Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna—After Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, diplomats and heads of state met here to discuss restoring stability and order in Europe 10 months meeting Sep 1814-June 1815 Tried to ‘uproot’ revolutionary seed and suppress nationalism

3 Nationalism What is it? Discuss with your neighbor

4 Nationalism NationalismThe extremely feeling of pride in one’s country Ex: Flags on cars after 9/11 Gives people sense of identity Common heritage Goal of creating own homeland

5 Age of Ideologies Plunged Europe into 30 years of turmoil
Ideologies didn’t agree Conservatives vs. Liberals Conservatives (Clergy, nobility and monarchs) in favor of NO revolution Liberals in favor OF revolution

6 Conservatives Won with Congress of Vienna
Concert of EuropeSupport the political and social order prior to Napoleon and F.R. Wanted Royalty Class system Natural rights lead to chaos! Metternich urged monarchs to oppose freedom of press and protests with force

7 Liberals and Nationalists
Inspired by enlightenment Bourgeoisie Liberalism— Supports middle class Wanted constitutions and separation of powers Supported Laisez-Faire economics Free market

8 Revolutions throughout Europe
Serbia Serbs seek independence with help from Russians Greeks Britain, France, and Russia forces Ottoman to grant Greeks independence

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