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The Bracelet K’S NOTES FOR YOU. Beginning  0 – Ruri is sad to go. She doesn’t want her sister to see her cry  5 – Mom’s face looks the saddest Ruri.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bracelet K’S NOTES FOR YOU. Beginning  0 – Ruri is sad to go. She doesn’t want her sister to see her cry  5 – Mom’s face looks the saddest Ruri."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bracelet K’S NOTES FOR YOU

2 Beginning  0 – Ruri is sad to go. She doesn’t want her sister to see her cry  5 – Mom’s face looks the saddest Ruri has seen. Sad about leaving their life.  10 – Ruri’s empty bedroom and house = A nice gift box after the gift is taken out … nothingness  - No clothes in the closet  - No junk on the dresser  - No rag doll – her favorite toy  - No rugs, furniture, pictures, curtains/drapes

3 15 – Setting: April 21st, 1942 - U.S.A. and Japan are at war - Every Japanese-American on the West Coast is being evacuated from their homes - Ruri’s family must leave Berkeley, California 20 – Doorbell rings and Ruri goes to answer it - She hopes it is a man in a uniform (from the government), come to say they can stay - Or she hopes its a telegram/letter from Papa 25 – Papa was interned by the FBI to Montana - He worked for a Japanese company

4 30 – FBI came to take Papa away the day after the Pearl Harbor attack - Government thought Japanese-American leaders were ‘dangerous enemy aliens’ - Ruri thinks they are crazy to take him away…He loves America and lived there a long time 35 – Laurie – Ruri’s friend from school - She comes to the house to say goodbye - Laurie looks sad and holds a small gift 40 – Laurie gives Ruri a friendship bracelet for Ruri to take to camp - Laurie knew that Ruri had no space in her suitcase, bracelet is to help her not forget Laurie 50 – Each person could only take 2 Suitcases… for ALL of the things ın their house - umbrellas, shoes, tea kettle, etc. … and Ruri wonders: Who wıll carry it? Papa is göne 55 – Bracelet is a thin gold chain with a heart dangling from it - Laurie helps her put it on, and Ruri says she will never take it off

5 Middle 60 – I didn’t know if I’d ever get back to Berkeley again!’ - As Laur left, Ru wondered who will sit in her school desk while she’s away - Junior High School, 65/70 – Mrs. Simpson (neighbor) drives the family to church (Civil Station) to register 75 – Warm day, but Ru wore her big bulky sweater because there is no space in luggage - Every Japanese-American family had a number to identify them - 13453 77 – Mama takes one last look around the house - to take a mental Picture - She lived there for 15 years

6 Middle 80 – Papa’s garden 85 - Iris flowers blooming - If papa were there, he’d cut one and give it to Mama <3 86 – Garden was now shabby and forsaken w/o Papa there - It looked the way the family felt - empty, lonely, abandoned 90 – Over 1,000 people were at the Civil Control Station (church) 95 – Old and young people - Nobody knew what would happen to them Where they are going – Tanforan Racetracks

7 100 – Scary soldiers standing at the church door - Soldiers holding guns and bayonets - What would happen if they tried to run away? 105 – Then it’s time to go - There is a long bus line - They ride on the bus past the Japanese food stores they used to go to - boarded windows w/ sign ‘We are loyal Americans’ 110 – Crazy thing… We WERE ALL LOYAL AMERICANS – innocent - Some Japanese-Americans were born in the U.S.A. – Citizens - Immigrant parents weren’t citizens because of the law - Now ‘Japanese faces’ were being shipped to concentration camps

8 115 – Keiko – ‘It is stupıd’ … everything that is happening - A spy would leave the country before being evacuated 120 – Keiko is in High School - Camp Setting – Barbed wire fence - Armed guards/soldiers - feels like going to jail/prison for no reason 125 – After getting off the bus at camp - They go to the doctor - Then go to their housing assignment (Barrack 16, Apartment 40) 135 – Ruri gets excited to hear about …‘living in an apartment’ - …She starts thinking about the elevator they might have…

9 140 – Mr. Noma – Helps the family carry their bags - They walk along the racetrack - Ruri slips on the muddy track 145 – They arrive at ‘Apartment #40 150 – Apartment 40 is really a horse stall - A narrow, dark, empty place - There are 3 folded army cots on a dust-covered floor - 1 lıghtbulb dangling from the ceiling - Smelled of horses 155 – Mama tries to be positive and strong for the family - She says ‘Once they make it feel like a real home… then it will be better

10 160 – Mr. Noma then goes to get better mattresses and beds for the family - Ruri thinks Mama is going to cry, so she thinks Mr. Noma left to avoid seeing it - Mama then gets to work on their ‘apartment’ 165 – Ruri then notices … SHE LOST THE BRACELET! - She desperately wants to find it 170 – She promised Laurie that she’d never take it off - First day of camp she lost it As time passed, she looked for the bracelet every day until the famıly moved to another camp 175 – Mama says = ‘We don’t need things to remember the past…’ - Papa…School…Berkeley…Laurie… 180 – ‘Those are things we carry in our hearts and take with us everywhere’

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