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Online Journalism – Multimedia Package Writing Professor Neil Foote, University of North Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Journalism – Multimedia Package Writing Professor Neil Foote, University of North Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Journalism – Multimedia Package Writing Professor Neil Foote, University of North Texas

2 For Tuesday, Feb. 10  Go to and http://newsdirectorycom http://newsdirectorycom  Find two newspaper websites and two TV websites  Write 300-400 post for your blog analyzing the website using the following criteria: Content: Does the website follow any of the rules on writing for the web? Functionality: Is the website easy to use? Navigation: How easy can you find content on the site? Audio/Video Quality: Is there any? Is it useful? Interactivity: How does it engage readers?

3 Style Tips  Here’s some advise from Jakob Nielsen, the guru of web design and usability:Jakob Nielsen Users do not read on the Web; instead they scan the pages, trying to pick out a few sentences or even parts of sentences to get the information they want Users do not like long, scrolling pages: they prefer the text to be short and to the point Users detest anything that seems like marketing fluff or overly hyped language ("marketese") and prefer factual information.

4 Remember this  Know your audience Is the content relevant to your readers? Do readers really want this information?  Define the ‘form(s)’ Interactive: graphics and other elements Slideshows: with or without audio Polls/Surveys  Write Visually Use bulleted lists Use numbered lists Use Tables Include pictures and other graphics Source:

5 Remember this  Make it ‘tight and bright’  Use the 5 Ws, but really remember to the ‘So what?’ Explain why I should care  Poynter says: “Banish gray” ‘Scannability’ ‘Splitability’  Linking is OK

6 Writing Style – ‘Chunking’  Information broken into ‘chunks’ of information.  Web users prefer to print out long documents or save them on their hard drives.  Long stories on the web are hard to read. The more a reader needs to scroll, the less likely they are to read the story.  Organizing information into relevant ‘chunks’ helps keep the reader interested. Facilitates adding links to enhance interactivity. Be careful: Don’t divide content into too many parts or readers will lose interest.  Chunking is a method to create consistency of web style, and helps readers understand the content flow on your site. Source: Webstyle Guide:

7 Writing Style  Headlines – Compelling On the web, headlines sell the story Six to 10 words Strong verbs Most important items first Question headlines workable  Blurbs Summaries of story, often on home page and linked to full length story  Briefs A complete story in just a few sentences.

8 Writing Style  Conversational style  Cross between broadcast writing and print  Lively verbs, colorful adjectives and distinct nouns.  Active voice always!  Short paragraphs  Be aware of references to your sources Consider using full name on second reference because you don’t know how story may link

9 Additional Style Tips  Consider one idea per paragraph – even if it’s just one sentence.  Write in easily understood sentences.  Include links as part of your copy E.g. Bill Gates [link to his bio] created Microsoft [link to] at a time when PCs were just beginning to become commonplace.Bill Gates Microsoft  Think Globally. Avoid regional/local terms that may be misunderstood by the broader audience.  Develop a voice, a style, a flow.

10 Web Story Structure  Get to the point  Story must be told in 50 words... Then your reader MIGHT read the rest  REMEMBER: only about 100-150 lines per screen… and less if a reader is looking at story on a PDA.  Make everything you write relevant.  Constantly ask yourself: Why should the reader care about this? What elements of interactivity can be used to engage the reader to make the content more compelling?

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