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Krakatau Volcano By Courtney Krakatau Volcano By Courtney.

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Presentation on theme: "Krakatau Volcano By Courtney Krakatau Volcano By Courtney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Krakatau Volcano By Courtney Krakatau Volcano By Courtney

2 The major city closest to Krakatau is Jakarta, that is about 80 miles of distance from it. Krakatau is located in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. This volcano is on the Australian plate under the Eurasian plate.

3 The longitude of this volcano is 105.423 degrees East (105 degrees 25’ 22’’) The latitude is 6.102 degrees South (6 degrees 6’ 6’’ South) The summit elevation of the Krakatau volcano is 813 m (2,667 ft.)

4 Krakatau is a Caldera volcano which is the largest kind of volcano on this Earth. These kinds are the most powerful and dangerous, and its shaped is like an inverse volcano. Caldera volcanoes also have huge magma chambers beneath the ground from high pressures of trapped gasses.

5 The last known eruption of the Krakatau volcano was in April 2009. The type of eruption this volcano goes through is explosive.

6 A lahar is a slurry of volcanic material and water. They are very thick but really quick. Most of the time, they are very deadly. “The ash cloud grows and billows up as lava bombs roll down.”

7 Pyroclastic (meaning "fire fragmented") refers to broken-up rocks, pumice, ash, and other bits of material that are formed in a volcanic eruption. This picture is an example of how much ash is created when Krakatau erupts. The definition of tephra is materials of all types and sizes that are erupted from a crater or volcanic vent and deposited from the air.

8 A fumarole is a small hole or vent in the Earth's crust found near volcanic areas, from which stream or gases shoot out. Fumarole Top of volcano

9 In the year of 1883, there was a major climate change. When Krakatau erupted in this year, there was a huge amount of volcanic dust that went into the atmosphere. When this happened, it acted like a solar radiation filter, which limits the amount of light that hits the Earth. One year later, the global temperature lowered about 1.2 degrees centigrade. The global temperature didn’t go back to normal until 1888!!

10 CITES!!!!!!! u_06.JPG&imgrefurl= svtn4EqTpeSgow0qUy1- 3t2c=&h=533&w=800&sz=79&hl=en&start=15&itbs=1&tbnid=DezkBPe75ZL6wM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=143&prev= /images%3Fq%3Dlava%2Bon%2Bkrakatau%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 small.jpg

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