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Atheroschlerosis The build up of fatty plaque inside arteries making them lose their elasticity and become narrowed or blocked.

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Presentation on theme: "Atheroschlerosis The build up of fatty plaque inside arteries making them lose their elasticity and become narrowed or blocked."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atheroschlerosis The build up of fatty plaque inside arteries making them lose their elasticity and become narrowed or blocked.

2 Angina Chest pain due to lack of oxygen (o2) in coronary arteries Felt – Once the artery is 75-80% blocked Symptoms – pressure, heaviness, indigestion, pain or numbness on left side, sweating, pale

3 Heart Attack Reduced blood flow/oxygen from coronary arteries causing damage to the heart muscle. Result – scars heart muscle, death of tissue, heart failure, even death (heart stops = cardiac arrest)

4 Heart Attack (cont) Symptoms- Same as angina except doesn’t go away or goes, but comes right back Some say- “Elephant on the Chest” Chest discomfort (center of chest lasting more than a few minutes or goes away and then comes back) Discomfort in other areas of upper body, often left or both arms, the back, jaw or stomach Other signs – cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness Women often have minimal or weak symptoms compared to men

5 Heart Attack (cont) Response- Call 911 Don’t wait longer than a couple of minutes before deciding to call 911 Go to hospital Stay with them Nitroglycerine under tongue (if prescribed) Aspirin to thin blood if they can swallow

6 Cardiac Arrest Heart suddenly stops beating! Maybe be from a heart attack Could be electrical shock, heart attack, drowning, major injury, etc. Response – Call 911! Start CPR if trained/certified

7 Congestive Heart Failure Ventricles stop pumping Blood flows back into heart May be result of dead tissue from a heart attack Can’t pump blood to other organs

8 Congestive Heart Failure (cont) Symptoms – –Shortness of breath –Swelling in legs (retaining fluid, can be other parts of body as well) -Extreme fatigue

9 Stroke BRAIN ATTACK Disruption of blood flow to the brain. Lack of blood flow to a specific area of the brain so that part of the brain tissue dies. Types- Ischemic – most common, blood clot goes to the brain Hemorraghic – arteries in the brain begin to burst (heavy smokers)

10 Stroke Warning Signs -Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg,especially on one side of the body -Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding -Trouble seeing in one or both eyes -Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance/coordination

11 Stroke (cont) Response- Call 911 Check time when symptoms 1 st appear Take action immediately If treated within first few hours clot- busting drug can be given to reduce long term disability

12 Statistics Coronary artery disease #1 killer in U.S. Stroke #3 killer in U.S.

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