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 Movement – 17-18 th century  Reasoning and human ability  Natural Laws and Rights  Vaccines were invented which stopped diseases  Edward Jenner.

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Presentation on theme: " Movement – 17-18 th century  Reasoning and human ability  Natural Laws and Rights  Vaccines were invented which stopped diseases  Edward Jenner."— Presentation transcript:


2  Movement – 17-18 th century  Reasoning and human ability  Natural Laws and Rights  Vaccines were invented which stopped diseases  Edward Jenner – Small pox vaccine  New methods of science  Scientific Revolution led to the Enlightenment.

3  Enlightenment thinkers of the 18 th century  Used rational thought to figure out and understand human condition  Impacted science, government, philosophy, and etc.

4  A type of “bar” where no drinking was allowed and people discussed important topics  Penny Universities – place for discussion, debates and new ideas  This increased education and law  Natural Laws – laws that governed human nature  WOMEN WERE NOT ALLOWED!!! 


6  Beliefs  Humans are naturally greedy and selfish  People need government to impose order  Purpose of Government  Give up some freedoms to give our leader in exchange for peace and safety  Social contract  Absolute monarch; he believed that was the best way to rule  Wrote  Leviathan (1651)


8  Beliefs  Natural rights – (unalienable) born with rights  People consent to government; power is limited by law  Purpose of Government  Protect people’s natural laws  People have the right to overthrow government  Wrote  Two treaties of Government


10  Theory that people are born with a blank slate and that during life people are nurtured.  During experience is what shapes someone's life

11  American Revolution  French Revolution  Bill of Rights  Constitution

12  Beliefs  Wanted to prevent any individual or group from gaining too much power  Best form if government has separation  Purpose of Government  Legislative – makes laws  Judicial - carries out laws  Executive – interprets laws  Checks and balances should be part of modern government

13  Wrote  The Spirit of Laws (1748)


15  Beliefs  People born good and that society corrupts us  Everyone should be equal (excluded females @ the time)  Purpose of Government  Government should work for the benefit of the common good (people), not for the wealthy  Individuals give up some freedoms for benefit of community as a whole  Wrote  The Social Contract (1762)


17  Citizens, artist, and scientist discussed political topics here  Closely related to coffeehouses; party  Important figures spoke here

18  Beliefs  Believed everyone was equal (excluding women)  Freedom of speech was vital  Purpose of Government  Government should protect justice and equality  Wrote  Wrote under the name Voltaire because people disliked him  His books were burned and banned  “I may bit agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”


20  Beliefs  Questioned why natural rights didn’t apply to women  Purpose of Government  Demanded equal writes for women, especially for education  Saw lack of education as a factor which limited women’s future  Wrote  A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)


22  Beliefs  All business activities should take place freely  Government shouldn’t have a say ▪ Government cant intervene  Purpose of Government  Laissez Faire  “leave alone; hands off” let the people decided what prices should be set at  Wrote  The Wealth of Nations (1776)


24  British colonist, read Enlightenment works  Became a writer/philosopher of the Enlightenment  1770s – wrote “Common Sense”  Britain allowed only some “self govern”  Colonist felt entitled to equality and rights


26  Taxes on goods showed up  Sugar  Tea  “No taxation without representation”

27  Tension increased  Declaration of Independence – Thomas Jefferson; influenced by Locke

28  British surrender in Yorktown, Virginia.  America and France WIN!

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