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Life after Death.

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1 Life after Death

2 Islam and Life after Death
Muslims believe:- Everyone is accountable to God They must answer to him for their misdeeds at the judgement Traditionally two angels, Munkir and Nakir question the dead man as soon as he is buried

3 Islam and Life after Death
Muslims believe:- At judgement the angel Israfil will sound the last trumpet and the final judgement will be made ‘A day when men will be like moths scattered’

4 Islam and Life after Death
Muslims believe:- ‘A day when the sun shall be folded, the books unrolled, hell shall be kindled, paradise brought near and the soul shall know what it has done’. There is a tradition of a bridge (Sirat) which is as fine as a hair and sharper than a blade.

5 Islam and Life after Death
Muslims believe:- This bridge is stretched over the depths of hell Those who have done good things in this life and been faithful Muslims pass across easily to heaven According to the same tradition, the unjust and unfaithful cannot cross the bridge and must go to hell

6 Islam and Life after Death
Muslims believe:- There are seven grades of hell – the lowest reserved for the hypocrite who has claimed to believe the faith of Islam, but in practice has been unfaithful Even those condemned to hell may eventually rise to heaven provided that they have as much as a grain of genuine faith in their hearts

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