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Ria Slides In this shopping Center women can pick their husbands with the qualities they like in a man...

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2 Ria Slides In this shopping Center women can pick their husbands with the qualities they like in a man...

3 Ria Slides It was five floors high, and the higher you go, the better the quality of the man.

4 Ria Slides But there was one rule, if you decide to go up a floor, you can’t go back down to the previous floor. You either had to pick a man on that floor, or go on to the next floor... If not you had to leave.

5 Ria Slides Two good friends decided to go to this Shopping Center to look for a man.

6 Ria Slides They got to the first floor and saw a sign on the wall that read: The men on this floor work, and like kids.

7 Ria Slides “Well, it could be worse if they didn’t have a job and dislike kids, but.... I wonder what the men are like on the next floor?” - The two friends commented.... And decided to go to the next floor.

8 Ria Slides On the second floor the sign read: The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, and have great manners.

9 Ria Slides “¿Did you see that?" – one of the girls said. “I wonder what the men on the next floor will be like?" -Rapidly they went up to the third floor.

10 Ria Slides The sign from the third floor read: The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, have great manners, and help with chores around the house.

11 Ria Slides “¡¡¡WOW!!!" – one of the girls said - “that’s very tempting, but I wonder what the men on the fourth floor will be like..." So, once again, they decided to go up to the fourth floor.

12 Ria Slides Anxiously they read the sign from the fourth floor which said: The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, have great manners, and are very good lovers.

13 Ria Slides “¡My God! ¡¡¡What must be waiting for us on the fith floor!!!“ Without a doubt, they went up to the last floor.

14 Ria Slides This floor was empty, and the sign read:

15 Ria Slides This floor is only here to demonstrate that it is impossible to satisfy women. Please, find the exit, and have a great day! Please, find the exit, and have a great day!

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