ABSTRACT Afterworld is an action-RPG set in the not too distant future where the Earth has been all but destroyed by a solar flare. It features an open.

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2 ABSTRACT Afterworld is an action-RPG set in the not too distant future where the Earth has been all but destroyed by a solar flare. It features an open ended world where the player is free to explore, either on foot or with a vehicle and make their own choices. The player character has skills that govern their effectiveness at performing tasks, such as using weapons, driving vehicles, repairing and hacking. There are two main modes of game play: On foot, the player can walk, shoot, enter buildings and interact like a standard First Person Shooter game. In a vehicle where the player can travel large distances and has the ability to mount heavy weapons to help defend against the many gangs that patrol the main roads. This is an open ended game. There are no separate scenarios to play through although the game gets more difficult as the player increases their character’s level. There is no direct way to win the game, the player can keep advancing their character at will but there are several quests and missions of increasing importance that unfold the story. The main goal for the player is to develop their character’s skills until they have completed all quests.

3 STORY Many years ago the Earth was struck by a solar flare which incinerated the surface and boiled away the oceans. Now what little water remains, flows in underground channels and small pools and canyons. At the time of the disaster the major governments provided underground shelters for the elite of their populace. Several generations on, the human race has emerged from hiding, building new settlements across the bed of what used to be the Atlantic Ocean where what little water and minerals have remained. However, times are extremely hard. With very little vegetation left, the earth is losing its atmosphere and is becoming increasingly hotter. Some people believe the only way to salvation is to live underground and others believe they must find a way to leave the earth and make a fresh start among the stars. The game begins as the player character wakes up in a clinic with no memory of where he is or where he came from. As the player explores the world, clues to his past as well as key events in the story are revealed. The main story line revolves around the largest settlement in Afterworld, New Atlantis. Unknown to the player in the beginning, Atlantis was built by aliens many millennia ago and contains advanced technology which could help to regenerate the earth. However, it is governed by a tyrant who uses the technology, along with false promises of salvation to manipulate the people that live there so he can mine the new mineral found there called Quadrium which is currently being used as a power source and is a lucrative trading commodity. It is down to the player to discover the truth behind Atlantis and its technology and use it for the better purpose.

4 GAME MECHANICS The player can customise their avatar at the start of the game, choosing a name and face and setting their skills. The player can move their character like a standard first person game using the keyboard or left analogue stick on a game pad and can rotate their view using the mouse or the right analogue stick. Vitals like the player’s health, ammo and targeting reticule are displayed constantly where as skills and provisions can be accessed through the inventory screen by pausing the game. When in a vehicle, the perspective changes to a third person view where keyboard and left analogue stick are used to drive and steer and the mouse or the right analogue stick can be used to rotate the view (and targeting reticule). The player can interact with most objects in the world such as pick up items, open doors etc. Most interactions however, are governed by a skill. For example to hack into a computer system the player must have a high electronics skill.


6 INTERFACE The interface screen can be accessed any time by pausing the game. It is split into two main sections. The top section allows the player to equip their character and vehicle as well as checking information on quests and statistics. The bottom section shows all items and ammunition carried both by the player and in the hold of the vehicle. The total amount of items that can be carried is limited by the number of slots available. New slots are made available when the player upgrades skills like strength and intellect. The player’s skills can be upgraded by assigning available skill points which are awarded when the player gains a new level. While in the interface screen, the player can interact with most items in the inventory like using first aid kits or eating food. Items can also be transferred from the player to the vehicle or from vehicle to player.

7 SKILLS Strength – Affects maximum health, damage dealt during unarmed combat and determines how many item slots the player can have in their inventory. Fitness – This skill affects how fast the player can move, dodge and regain stamina and determines how many ‘quick item’ slots are available. Quick items can be equipped on the player and accessed by shortcut buttons. Intellect – This skill allows the player to learn new things, manipulate other characters with speech or cunning and solve certain problems. It also affects the chance of scoring critical hits on opponents. Driving – This skill determines what class of vehicle the player can use as well as affecting their performance. Mechanics – Determines the effectiveness of tasks such as repairing vehicles and items, picking locks and using vehicle upgrades such as turbo boosts and battering rams. It also affects how many item slots are made available in the vehicle hold. Electronics – This skill allows the player to hack computers and use security equipment such as turrets and robots. Melee Combat – Determines the speed and accuracy of melee weapons. Some more exotic weapons may require a high melee skill. Light Guns – Affects the accuracy, reloading and range of small guns such as crossbows, pistols and SMGs. Heavy Guns – Affects the accuracy, reloading and range of large guns such as shotguns, rifles and lasers. Turrets – This skill improves the accuracy, reloading time and range of weapons that can be mounted on to vehicles such as machine guns, flame throwers, missile launchers and heavy lasers. Explosives – This skill improves the effectiveness of grenades and bombs as well as allowing the player to disarm explosive devices.

8 DEMO VERSION A short demo of Afterworld world can be played which shows player movement, collision, shooting, interaction and particle effects. Controls Move – Arrow keys Jump – Number Pad 0 Crouch – Control Shoot – Left Mouse Button Aim Sights – Right Mouse Button Reload – Shift Interact – Enter Pause – Escape Quit - Q

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