Boston Public Schools: Professional Development Teacher Leadership and Education Policy 4.7.09.

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Presentation on theme: "Boston Public Schools: Professional Development Teacher Leadership and Education Policy 4.7.09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boston Public Schools: Professional Development Teacher Leadership and Education Policy 4.7.09

2 I. Introductions  Presenter, purpose and scope of workshop/roundtable  Who I am  Purpose  Context (teacher leadership, Superintendent’s Acceleration Agenda and Federal ARRA stimulus funds)  Workshop Participants– Who’s here and what are you interested in getting?

3 A Question of Credibility.. Who are we as a group of teacher leaders? What strengths, experiences and credibility do we bring to the table?  Defining who a ‘teacher leader’ is…  Determining who we are as a collective…

4 Core contention of this Teacher Leadership Series:  That as classroom teachers, we have particularly powerful voices to advocate for a better connection between educational policy and the realities of our classrooms. —and we must act on that.

5 Common Ground, Vocabulary and a Context for Teacher Leadership  Examining the article “Teacher Leader” by Roland Barth. Phi Delta Kappa--Bessie F. Gabbard Initiative on Leadership

6 II. What We Know: Education Policy and its Players

7 Questions to Consider:  What resources or information do you currently access from the US Dept of Education?  What is your understanding of NCLB as an example of federal policy, and what is its effect on your role as a teacher? What is working or not working with that law?  What is your understanding of the differences in the roles of local, state and federal educational agencies/depts in developing and implementing policies and practices?  What are ways that teachers can communicate with the US Dept of Education and impact educational decisions at the federal level? How might these communication systems be improved?

8 Online Collaboration Website: Getting Familiar with Wordpress

9 Assignment #1:  Get familiar with Wordpress ns ns  Log on to the course website: and a) respond to the discussion prompt with your own posting and b) respond to at least two others’ posts by leaving them comments.


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