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オーストラリア研究 ( 英語 ) Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

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1 オーストラリア研究 ( 英語 ) Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

2 Sixth Japan-Australia 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Consultations ( 日豪2プラス2 安保協力を重層的に進めた い、 「地位協定」で絆を強めよ ) 岸田外相は、 日豪関係に ついて「基 本的な価値、 戦略的利益 を共有する 特別な関係 だ」と強調 した 2015 年 11 月 24 日

3 Australia court fines Japanese firm $700,000 for killing whales ( 豪裁判所、日本の捕鯨企業に 100 万$罰金命令 ) A Sydney court fined a Japanese firm 1 million Australian dollars ($709,300) for repeatedly killing Antarctic minke whales in an Australian Southern Ocean sanctuary. The Federal Court found that Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha harpooned the animals in contravention of Australian law over four seasons between 2008 and 2013. Justice Jayne Jagot ordered Kyodo to pay fines of AU$250,000 ($177,000) for each of the seasons, after finding it guilty of wilful contempt of a 2008 injunction against hunting the animals in the area. Nov 18, 2015

4 Richard Flanagan wins Booker Prize for “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” The novel commemorates his father's experience in a Japanese POW camp The book shifts between his native Tasmania, Japan, and the notorious Burma-Thailand railway, where 200,000 prisoners-of-war ( 戦争捕虜 ) died in 1942-43 while being used as slave labour. That figure, the author said, represents "more corpses than there are words in my novel". 14 Oct 2014

5 前原外相、オーストラリア人の 元戦争捕虜に初の公式謝罪 ( 11/03/3 ) 「改めて深い反省と心からのおわびを申し上げま す」



8 POW’s ( 戦争捕虜 ) 22,000 Australians imprisoned Used as slave labour –e.g. Thai-Burma Railway ( 泰緬鉄道 ) 13,000 British, 7,000 Dutch 7,000 Australians died building this 1/3 of Australian POWs died – 日本軍の捕虜となったオーストラリア人中、 三人に一人が亡くなっている。

9 「レイルウェイ : 運命の旅路」 Based on the true story of a British officer who is captured by the Japanese in Singapore and sent to a Japanese POW camp where he is forced to work on the Thai-Burma Railway… DVD 6292


11 World premiere in Australia in November 2014, but Japan release delayed… To be released in Japan in February 2016, beginning with a run at Theater Image Forum in Shibuya DVD 6293

12 豪州における対日世論調査(結 果) 外務省 平成 18 年 6 月


14 Background to WWII 3 rd Sept. 1939: Australia declares that since Britain is at war, it is also at war 4 months later: Australian troops depart Fight in Greece, Crete, and North Africa Hold out for 6 months in Tobruk against superior German forces –Nicknamed ‘The Rats of Tobruk’


16 Background to WWII 3 rd Sept. 1939: Australia declares that since Britain is at war, it is also at war 4 months later: Australian troops depart Fight in Greece, Crete, and North Africa Hold out for 6 months in Tobruk against superior German forces –Nicknamed ‘The Rats of Tobruk’ WWII Intro (1)

17 Background to the Pacific War September 1940: Japan coerces France into giving up northern Indochina. The United States prohibits the exportation of steel, scrap iron, and aviation fuel to Japan. July 1941: Japan occupies southern Indochina. Two days later, the United States and Britain freeze Japanese assets. Japan prevented from purchasing oil and strategic metals, which would, in time, cripple its army and make its navy and air force completely useless. Japan, estimating it had only 6 months' worth of oil reserves, decides to secure the resources of South East Asia before it is too late.

18 資源

19 Pearl Harbour 1941 (Dec.)

20 1937: Japan invades China Papua New Guinea 1941 (December) Pearl Harbour May 1942: Philippines falls Feb 1942: Singapore falls

21 Macarthur uses region as strategic base for counter- offensive Important for Japan to block supplies from the US

22 The Yellow Peril ( 黄色い脅威 ) 1941: 97% (1141) Japanese in Australia interned ( 留置 ) in 3 camps Increasing anti-Japanese (race) propaganda –“Apes, primitives, children, madmen” e.g. shortsighted, cannibals, short, night-blind –“Supermen” e.g. cunning, stealthy, super-human strength Fear of Japan (WWII 2) Fear of Japan II (WWII 3)


24 War in Papua New Guinea 1942 年 8 月 日本軍はソロモン諸 島ラバウル基地の防衛を固めるた め、ニューギニア島東部のポート モレスビー占領を計画。手中に あった太平洋岸から陸路を進んで いた。 一方、ダクラス・マッカーサーを 司令官とする連合軍は日本軍の行 く手を阻もうと、ニューギニア部 軍・第 39 大隊をココダ街道へと派 遣。 両軍は激しい戦闘を繰広げてい た...



27 War in Papua New Guinea Stage One (1942-43) –Jap. occupies Rabaul to protect Truk naval base –J. plan to invade Port Moresby to protect Rabaul –Possible Advance on Australia?

28 Darwin Bombing (February 1942) 188 Japanese bombers –Sank 8 ships in 45 minutes, 11 damaged –243 Australians killed; 5 Japanese planes lost Attack unexpected: virtually undefended –Panic: prelude to invasion? Looting (略奪を行なうこ と) First time a foreign power had ever attacked the Australian mainland –Plan to defend Brisbane/Melbourne/Adelaide only??




32 Sydney Harbour Attack (May 31 st 1942) 3 Japanese midget submarines, each manned by 2 men, penetrated Sydney Harbour Missed two heavy cruisers but hit depot ship killing 19 soldiers 3 submarines all failed to return June 6 th : Japanese mother submarines fire at Sydney from 5 miles off Bondi: 1 casualty



35 Darwin Bombing (WWII 4) Sydney (WWII 5)

36 War in Papua New Guinea Stage One (1942) –Jap. occupy Rabaul to protect Truk naval base –J. plan to invade Port Moresby to protect Rabaul –Possible Advance on Australia? Stage Two (1942-43) –J. withdraw from Solomon’s (Guadalcanal) –July 1942: Japanese land on northern coast and march towards Port M. –Land battles in Eastern New Guinea over steep mountains and unexplored jungles, in rain/mud PNG1 (WWII 6) PNG 2(WWII 7)


38 The Kokoda Trail ( ココダ街道 ) Attempt to reach airstrip at Kokoda before the Japanese Outnumbered 10:1; Australians were pushed back Aim: to stall or delay the Japanese long enough until reinforcements arrived January 22, 1943: all organised resistance by the Japanese in Papua ended WWII 8 Kokoda WWII 9 Kokoda

39 Significance of Kokoda Kokoda was arguably Australia's most significant campaign of the Second World War. More Australians died (5,500) in the seven months of fighting in Papua than anywhere else The Japanese came closer to Australia than in any other campaign. Many of those young Australians, whose average age was between 18 and 19, now lie buried at the Bomana War Cemetery outside Port Moresby: “The Men Who Saved Australia”

40 WWII: SUMMARY First ever struggle for national survival 1 in 7 Australians (993,000) served 39,366 died; 66,553 wounded Australia came of age; Shift from UK to US Presence of black GIs (10%) forced Australians to face their own segregationist practices

41 2011 1995

42 2015/08/15 調布市制施行 60 周年 調布市平和祈念事業 水木しげるの戦争と新聞報道 展 「軍装の兄と」 © 水木プロダクショ ン

43 内容 : 1941 年 12 月 8 日、日本軍は、ハワイ・ オアフ島の真珠湾を攻撃し、太平 洋戦争が 始まりました。この戦争で、漫画家水木しげ るさんは、陸軍に召集され南方の激戦地ニュ ーブリテン島へ送られました。本展では、水 木さんが自身の戦争体験を元に描いた漫画「 総員玉砕せよ!」や「ラバウル戦記」等の作 品とともに、当時の新聞報道の数々を展示し ます。言論統制された戦時中の新聞には、 「宣戦布告」、「玉砕」等の勇ましい言葉が 並んでいますが、はたして戦地の最前線で水 木さんが目にした戦場とは、いかなるものだ ったのでしょうか。

44 オーストラリア研究 ( 英語 ) Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /


46 白坂正吾 HP

47 Sub Attack Mystery Solved! 1942: 3 Japanese midget subs attack Sydney Harbour 2 were captured…but the 3 rd disappeared Nov. 2006: 3 rd sub discovered by team of amateur scuba divers! Wreath donated as a mark of respect to the deceased Japanese sailors "We would like to see the Japanese Government actually raise the wreck."



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