VFR Research - R. Hudson VFR Research Section Introduction to Hydrology Dr. Rob Hudson, P.Geo.

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Presentation on theme: "VFR Research - R. Hudson VFR Research Section Introduction to Hydrology Dr. Rob Hudson, P.Geo."— Presentation transcript:

1 VFR Research - R. Hudson VFR Research Section Introduction to Hydrology Dr. Rob Hudson, P.Geo.

2 VFR Research - R. Hudson Introduction to Hydrology Hydrology: “The study of water…” Physical components: –water vapour –precipitation –subsurface water soil moisture groundwater –streamflow

3 VFR Research - R. Hudson Processes Precipitation, snow accumulation and melt Evapotranspiration, interception Streamflow generation –generation of runoff precipitation distribution snowmelt –methods by which runoff is converted into streamflow through the terrestrial environment processes that govern water quality

4 VFR Research - R. Hudson Applications Forest Hydrology –How does forest harvesting and road construction affect hydrological processes? Statistical Hydrology –design storm and peak flow frequency analysis –bridge and culvert design Urban Hydrology –stormwater management

5 VFR Research - R. Hudson Applications - continued –urban wastewater management Water supply –domestic water quality –watershed management –municipal water distribution Fisheries habitat –channel morphology –sediment production

6 VFR Research - R. Hudson Hydrology: a quantitative science Algebraic equations and statistics Some examples: Darcy’s Law: Calculation of hydrologic recovery:

7 Discharge: Dilution method

8 Sediment Production at Russell Creek

9 VFR Research - R. Hudson The Global Hydrological Cycle

10 VFR Research - R. Hudson Concept of the watershed Basis for hydrological study and management Defined by the area that is drained by a creek or river –drainage divide - height of land –drainage area defined at a specific point of interest –other terms: drainage basin, catchment

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