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The Drainage Basin System

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Presentation on theme: "The Drainage Basin System"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Drainage Basin System

2 Precipitation

3 Precipitation Interception

4 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc.

5 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage

6 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration

7 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage

8 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation

9 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

10 Precipitation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater Deep Basin Outflow

11 Precipitation Evaporation Interception Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

12 Precipitation Evaporation Transpiration Interception Plant Storage Leaf drip etc. Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

13 Precipitation EvapoTranspiration Interception Leaf drip etc. Overland Flow Surface Storage Infiltration Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

14 Precipitation EvapoTranspiration Interception Leaf drip etc. Overland Flow Surface Storage Infiltration Channel Storage Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

15 Precipitation EvapoTranspiration Interception Leaf drip etc. Overland Flow Surface Storage Infiltration Throughflow Channel Storage Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater

16 Precipitation EvapoTranspiration Interception Leaf drip etc. Overland Flow Surface Storage Infiltration Throughflow Channel Storage Soil Storage Percolation Groundwater Flow Groundwater

17 E/T Precipitation EvapoTranspiration Interception Leaf drip etc.
Vegetation storage Overland Flow Surface Storage Infiltration Throughflow Channel Storage Channel flow Soil Storage Percolation River Run Off Water table Groundwater Flow Groundwater

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