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Superheroes. “S” and “Z” Sounds “S” in Seal Send Blessing Sin Sacrifice Sip Princess Australia Face Placement Hysteria Surplus Surf Second Superior Trace.

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Presentation on theme: "Superheroes. “S” and “Z” Sounds “S” in Seal Send Blessing Sin Sacrifice Sip Princess Australia Face Placement Hysteria Surplus Surf Second Superior Trace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superheroes

2 “S” and “Z” Sounds

3 “S” in Seal Send Blessing Sin Sacrifice Sip Princess Australia Face Placement Hysteria Surplus Surf Second Superior Trace Mess Sinus Assortment Miscellaneous Quartz

4 Zebra Gazelle Zany Fuzzy Brazil Zorro Zipper Zero Cozy Zit Oozing Zone Zinc Zygote Zoo Zion “Z” in Zeal

5 Shut Shipment Trish Flesh Shimmer Shuck Mission Crush Eyelash Fisherman Tissue Fashion Luscious Cliché Shopping Brochure “Sh” in Shut-up

6 “Z” in Measure Treasure Seizure Pleasure Fissure Leisure Composure

7 Superheroes What is a superhero? Is there a difference between a hero and a superhero?

8 Comics

9 Marvel Comics

10 DC Comics

11 Comics Marvel vs. DC Comics

12 Can batman fly? Scientists have finally answered one of life's mysteries – whether Batman can really fly. Researchers from Leicester University in the U.K. conducted tests on the type of cape Batman wears as he flies around Gotham City watching for mischief and criminals. They concluded that he would be able to glide pretty well, but would crash at high speed and die once he tried to land. The researchers say this is because the wingspan of his cape is too short to allow him to land smoothly. Researcher and superhero addict David Marshall said: "If Batman wanted to survive the flight, he would definitely need a bigger cape. Or if he preferred to keep his style intact he could opt for…jets to keep himself aloft."

13 Superhero: Name List as many superheroes as you can think of.

14 Superhero: Attributes Brave Loyal Faithful Etc.

15 Superhero: Abilities Flying Speed Strength X-ray vision Telepathy Etc.

16 Superhero: Nemesis

17 Superhero: Weakness Kryptonite Fire Water Saying your name Etc.

18 Superhero: Situation of Peril

19 Batman Attributes Abilities

20 Batman Nemesis Weakness

21 Thor Attributes Abilities

22 Thor Nemesis Weakness

23 Spiderman Attributes Abilities

24 Spiderman Nemesis Weakness

25 Iron Man Attributes Abilities

26 Iron Man Nemesis Weakness

27 Captain America Attributes Abilities

28 Captain America Nemesis Weakness

29 The Hulk Attributes Abilities

30 The Hulk Nemesis Weakness

31 Hawk Girl Attributes Abilities

32 Hawk Girl Nemesis Weakness

33 Create a Superhero Name Attributes (2-3) Abilities Nemesis Weakness Situation of peril

34 Drawing/Labeling Using Chalk – Go outside to the road and draw the superhero you created – Label the special things about him/her

35 super-villains/ super-villains/

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