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Eutrophication: influence on Sustainable Development in the Baltic Region By Elena Rybalchenko.

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Presentation on theme: "Eutrophication: influence on Sustainable Development in the Baltic Region By Elena Rybalchenko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eutrophication: influence on Sustainable Development in the Baltic Region By Elena Rybalchenko

2 Eutrophication - an increase in the concentration of nutrient content to an extent that increases the productivity of organic compounds in the waterbody Sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Ecosystem services

3 Ecosystem services (ES) Provisioning ES - Food - Inedible goods - Energy - Space, waterways - Chemicals - Ornamental resoueces - Generic resources Supporting ES - Biogeochemical cycles - Primary production - Food web dynamics - Biodiversity - Habitats - Resilience Regulating ES - Impact climate and air quality - Sediment retention - Less eutrophication - Biological regulation - Regulation of pollutants Cultural ES - Recreation - Aesthetic value - Science and education - Cultural heritage - Inspiration - The legacy of the sea

4 Nitrogen reduction - Less rearing of livestock, pigs and fowl - Less fertiliser use - Increase wastewater treatment at sewage works - Private sewage treatment systems - Catch crops - More wetlads - Spreading manure at different times of year - Energy forest - Catalytic converters at power plants - Catalytic converters on ships - Catalytic converters in trucks - Grassland Phosphorus reduction - Less rearing of livestock, pigs and fowl - Less fertiliser use - Increase wastewater treatment at sewage works - Private sewage treatment systems - Catch crops - More wetlads - Non-phosphate detergents - Buffer zones

5 Boundaries for reduction of eutrophication - we have not yet fully understood the sources for nutrients high concentrations - visible effects from implementation of measures will not be discernible for decades - a warmer climate towards the end of century might exacerbate eutrophication and make impossible achieving to some strategic goal - political and legislation boundaries, differences in countries surrounding the Baltic Sea - different indicators of achieving strategic purposes - inability of marine ecosystem to stop the process of eutrophication itself when this process is already started - technical boundaries


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