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Reindeer Created by L. Ford.

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Presentation on theme: "Reindeer Created by L. Ford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reindeer Created by L. Ford

2 Where do reindeer live? -Canada -Alaska -Greenland -northern Europe
-northern Asia

3 Where do reindeer live? -Label the directions
-Are Reindeer mainly in N, S, E, or W?

4 Reindeer Habitat Reindeer live in the TUNDRA biome! -It is the coldest
of all biomes -It is flat with no trees -In the summers (which are short and cool) there is TONS of water on the land! Why is this?

5 What do reindeer have on their heads?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

6 What do reindeer have on their heads?
Reindeer are the only type of deer in which both male and female reindeer have antlers. Female reindeer keep their antlers until they have babies in the spring! Why do you think antlers help the reindeer? Move the question mark to find out! Antlers help the reindeer find food and compete for food, especially when the females are pregnant!

7 Did you know that reindeer grow new antlers every year?
These antlers are very soft, like velvet! They become very strong.

8 Reindeer are also called caribou.

9 Reindeer are mammals. This means...

10 Reindeer love to DIG! What do you think reindeer use to dig?

11 Reindeer food Lemmings -leaves -grasses -lemmings -bird eggs -moss -lichens -mushrooms in late summer -seeds as a part of their diet Lichen

12 Reindeer are: A) Omnivores B) Carnivores C) Meat Eaters

13 True or False Reindeer are very strong.

14 TRUE!!! Reindeer often pull very large loads across long distances.

15 Let’s go on a sleigh ride!

16 The Sami -the Sami live in the Arctic and follow the reindeer each year -they drink reindeer milk, eat reindeer meat, and wear reindeer fur -they love, protect, and watch the reindeer

17 Did you know. Reindeer can run up to 50 miles an hour
Did you know? Reindeer can run up to 50 miles an hour! Cheetahs run ~70 miles an hour!

18 Did you know? A male reindeer is called a Buck A female reindeer is called a Doe A baby reindeer is called a Fawn Do these names sound familiar?

19 Let’s review our reindeer facts, and maybe learn a few more!

20 Think of 1 cool fact you learned about reindeer.
Think, Pair, Share! Think of 1 cool fact you learned about reindeer.

21 Available on YouTube and Tumble Books also!
Read Aloud Available on YouTube and Tumble Books also!

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