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“Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone” Shema.

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Presentation on theme: "“Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone” Shema."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone” Shema

2 The Nature of G-d Only one God, God of the Jews, who are His chosen people Omnipotent, omniscient, transcendent, but also good and caring The names of God: יהוה = YHWH/JHWH Questions of free will, suffering

3 The Purpose of Existence Chosen to be God’s witnesses Privileged insight: the Torah A mixed blessing

4 Past and Future Historical relationship with God Awaiting the Messiah: descendent of David, will gather Jews to Holy Land, establish truth and justice, reign for ever Transformed idea of messianic age

5 Life after Death? Sheol Bodily resurrection idea, from 6th c. BC, but later rejected in favour of immortal soul only Last Judgment, reward and punishment. Rejection: Kaufmann Kohler and others

6 Divisions within Judaism Orthodox Judaism: Emphasis on Torah and Halakhah (Jewish Law) Gender roles Includes Hasidism

7 Divisions within Judaism Conservative Judaism: Maintaining Jewish law and identity but adapted to modern times

8 Divisions within Judaism Reform Judaism: Emphasising moral rather than ceremonial aspects, spirit rather than letter of law Gender equality

9 Divisions within Judaism Secular/Non-Religious Jews: Judaism as purely ethnic affiliation

10 Aspects of Jewish Practice Circumcision: Male babies, 8th day after birth Covenant of Abraham Celebrations What about females?

11 Aspects of Jewish Practice Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah: Ceremony marking reaching age of religious majority Boys at 13, girls at 12 Cause for great celebration

12 Aspects of Jewish Practice Prayer and worship: Daily prayers at synagogue three times/day Sabbath observances

13 Aspects of Jewish Practice Kashrut (Dietary Laws): Restrictions on what you can eat: kosher (“fit”) Restrictions on preparation The kosher kitchen

14 Aspects of Jewish Practice Death: Last words, death as atonement Rituals and funeral Sitting shiva and mourning periods

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