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“Effort and Excellence…… Expecting and getting success with all students”.

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Presentation on theme: "“Effort and Excellence…… Expecting and getting success with all students”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Effort and Excellence…… Expecting and getting success with all students”.

2 TENTATIVE Timeline  Beginning of March: Teacher Recommendations Middle School teachers will submit via ITeacher teacher recommendations for their specific students.  Middle of March: Student Request Middle School students will request via IStudent classes they wish to take. This will be done during Guidance and Health classes.  End of March: Parent Review Parents will submit requests via IParent.

3 GO TO: Medford Webpage Click on: ForParents Select IParent Click on “Click here to register for Iparent” Complete registration information (Student ID can be found on child’s report card) *Be sure to enter all your children enrolled in the Medford Public Schools on the same page before clicking the Submit button.* MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD !

4 After you have received confirmation, follow the directions on the Parent’s Quick Start Guide ( which can be found online)! Parent Recommendations

5  Click on the check box next to the recommendations if you approve or  In the ADD RECOMMENDATIONS section below enter the course (and course #) you would like your child to take next year. In the box next to the course, you can write an explanation or make a comment about your request. All of your core courses should be approved (BY CHECKING THE BOX TO THE LEFT OF THE COURSE). (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language,).

6  Click on the Lookup tool to search the course catalog for electives in each department (or see the last page of this PowerPoint).  Once that is done, in the middle of the schedule there is a note: "Please put a check in the box next to all recommendations that you approve.”

7  Please make sure your child has four five-credit courses checked off.  What Foreign Language will your child be taking? Make sure they have one five-credit course!  Did they check off Wellness (Physical Education is part of Wellness)in the schedule?  Do they have 6 choices listed in the elective section and have you numbered them?

8 Click on the box (above Add Recommendations) to approve and click the submit button at the bottom

9  The high school will create a draft of the schedule and send it home for approval.  Any problems with registration? See Mrs. Deterding or Mrs. Andrews. Username__________________ Password___________________


11 Code FOREIGN LANGUAGE Gr P/C Cr 14101410French 1 (std)9-125 5 1414Italian I (std)9-1255 1415Spanish I (std)9-1255 1421French 11 (std)9-1255 1422French II (hon)9-1255 1424Italian II (std)9-1255 1425Italian II (hon)9-1255 1426Spanish II (std)9-1255 1427Spanish II (hon)9-1255 CodeMEDIAITECHGI'GI' P/CP/C Cr 1573Intro MS Office9-1222 1574MS Office Proj. Dev. 9 (std)9-1244 1551Media Literacy9-1222 1545Digital Images9-1222 CodeMUSICGr P/C Cr 1802BBand (std)9-1244 1804BChorus (std)9-1244 1806BOrchestra (std)9-124 4 1829DJazz Band9-1244 CodeARTGr P/C CrCr 1702Comprehensive Art (std)9-1244 17111711Ceramics I (std)9-1244 17141714Sculpture I (std)9-1244 CodeHEATH and WELLNESSGr P/C Cr * 1913 Health and Wellness 9 (std) REQUIRED 922 PREREQUISITES Moving Up a Level Standard to Honors or Honors to AP A- Guarantee B+ Tentative Placement Staying at a Level Staying in Honors, Staying in AP B- Guarantee C+ Tentative Placement Exceptions to the Above Honors Biology A grade of A- in grade 8 science, qualifying score on the grade 8 science placement exam, and a passing grade in grade 8 Algebra I; a grade of A- in Introductory Physics and passing grade in grade 9 Algebra I

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