Sample Course Challenges as New Instructor Discussion Sections Working with TAs Capitalizing on Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Course Challenges as New Instructor Discussion Sections Working with TAs Capitalizing on Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Course Challenges as New Instructor Discussion Sections Working with TAs Capitalizing on Technology

2  Introduction to Clinical Psychology ◦ 300 students, 2.5 TAs, 10 weekly sections ◦ Exams, writing assignments, participation

3  Engaging students in lecture  Teaching tough material  Figuring out local norms  Problems/Questions ◦ DEO, DGS, DUS, senior colleagues

4  Potential Goals ◦ Review lecture material ◦ Apply lecture material ◦ Discuss lecture material ◦ Present new material  Format Change ◦ Smaller class size ◦ More opportunity for discussion, questions, interactive exercises

5  Section Materials ◦ Prepare written description of section content and activities ◦ Review with TAs, seek feedback b/f and after section  Miscellaneous ◦ Consider evals third of way through semester  ◦ Attend section of each TA

6  TA Roles and Responsibilities ◦ Explicit discussion prior to class ◦ TAs are authority figures and part of teaching team ◦ Hierarchical relationship with prof ◦ Problems: go to DEO, DGS, senior colleague  Weekly Meetings ◦ What going well ◦ What problems have arisen ◦ Discussion of how to teach, how to deal with problems, how to create materials, how to grade, how to interact with students, etc. ◦ Be available to TAs in btw meetings

7  Writing Assignments ◦ Difficulty level ◦ Assignment content: clarity exceptionally important ◦ Grading criteria: provide detailed, concrete rubric to students ahead of time ◦ Grading consistently across TAs  Review and modify criteria b/f giving to students  Meet with TAs after look at 10 papers to discuss problems  Identify who makes final decisions ◦ TA morale

8  ICON ◦ Announcements, readings, lecture slides, grades, dropbox (turnitin)  Online Discussions ◦ ◦  Quizzes/Practice ◦ ◦  Clickers ◦

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