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Chapter 10 Test Review. What are the six characteristics of all living things?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Test Review. What are the six characteristics of all living things?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Test Review

2 What are the six characteristics of all living things?

3 All living things have a cellular organization, contain similar chemicals, use energy, respond to their surroundings, grow and develop, and reproduce.

4 A plant grows toward the sunlight. This is an example of?

5 A response

6 How do you write the scientific name of an organism?

7 List the genus first, and then the species. Both words are italicized.

8 Where do autotrophs get their energy?

9 The sun

10 Why do scientists classify organisms?

11 So they can study them easier

12 All living things can maintain stable internal conditions. Blood sugar levels an example of this

13 Homeostasis

14 How do you know which organisms are the most similar?

15 They share more classification levels.

16 What do taxonomists study?

17 How living things are classified

18 What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs?

19 Autotrophs make their own food, and heterotrophs do not.

20 Whose experiments disproved spontaneous generation?

21 Redi and Pasteur Example: Meat and Fly eggs.

22 Which two domains are prokaryotes?

23 Archaea and Bacteria

24 What part of the cell is responsible for controlling what enters and exits the cell?

25 Cell membrane

26 What do you call an organism that is composed of one cell?

27 Unicellular

28 Organisms that DO NOT make their own food are called what?

29 Heterotrophs

30 What did Linnaeus develop?

31 A system for naming organisms based on their features

32 What is the main difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

33 Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus, and eukaryotes do have a nucleus.

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