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2 by 2.... to infinity and beyond!!! Primary Mathematics Conference National STEM Centre,York The pi Piper.

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Presentation on theme: "2 by 2.... to infinity and beyond!!! Primary Mathematics Conference National STEM Centre,York The pi Piper."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 by 2.... to infinity and beyond!!! Primary Mathematics Conference National STEM Centre,York The pi Piper

2 Objectives  How much mathematics can you teach or learn with a 2 by 2 grid?  How can we turn one simple task into higher level learning?  Reflection, questions, sharing, etc

3 Rich tasks in mathematics  accessible  extendable  allow learners to make decisions  involve learners in making & testing hypotheses,  reflecting, interpreting, proving,  promote discussion and communication  encourage originality and invention;  encourage ‘what if’..........and ‘what if not’ questions;  are enjoyable and contain the opportunity for surprise. “Better Mathematics”, WSIHE, (1988) Primary learners  DO… TALK… RECORD…  Balance …..fluency, reasoning & problem solving

4 2 by more!!! Which different “themes” in school mathematics can you teach / learn with a 2 by 2 grid?

5 Place value: Biggest add Roll a dice & enter numbers in the boxes. Each player has own table Write your numbers in any of your boxes and then add your numbers together

6 Place value: Biggest add Roll a dice & enter numbers in the boxes. Each player has own table Write your numbers in any of your boxes and then add your numbers together Variations Smallest add Biggest take-away HTU, TU.t what if you are allowed to put numbers in another person’s boxes? TU

7 Addition squares Choose any 4 numbers....2 at the top and 2 on the side Add pairs of outside numbers

8 Addition squares 23 4 5 Add these pairs of outside numbers together

9 Addition squares 23 46 5 Find all 4 numbers in this way. Add the 4 numbers inside the square

10 Addition squares 23 467 578 Add pairs of outside numbers Add the 4 numbers inside the square.....and add these 4 answers to give a number in the bottom square

11 Addition squares 23 467 578 28 The number in the bottom square is the sum of the 4 numbers. Is this number equal to double the sum of the 4 outside numbers? Investigate other 2 by 2 squares What about 3 by 3 squares, 4 by 4,..? What about rectangles??

12 Addition afterthought 23 467 578 28 Do you notice any patterns in the numbers inside the square? Can you find the outside numbers if you just have the inside numbers? Is this always possible? 811 1417

13 Multiplication squares x43 5 1 Multiply pairs of outside numbers Add these 4 new numbers What is the connection between the 4 outside numbers and the square total? Extend to bigger squares, rectangles, etc

14 Grid multiplication x203 10 4 Extend to HTU x TU Use with decimals...or with algebra ( x +3)( x+ 4) = x ² + 7 x + 12 x x 3 x x²x²3x3x 4 4x4x 12

15 Square frogs Move the red frog to the blank square Only horizontal and vertical moves are allowed. What is the fewest number of moves? Use bigger squares, more frogs... Try rectangles. Record results & generalise

16 Four-ominoes These can be made with 4 squares. Are there any more? Investigate Symmetries, tessellations, area, & perimeter. 3-D models (4 cubes) What about 5 squares, 6 squares, etc

17 Four-omino activities 1.Make 4-ominoes Use 5 squares joined edge to edge, how many different shapes can you make? 2.Names Find names for all 4-ominoes? Which is a “snake” or the “submarine”? 3.Symmetry Which have line symmetry? Which have rotational symmetry? 4.Tessellation Which 4-ominoes will tessellate? Will all 12 tessellate? 5.Area and perimeter Which 4-omino has the biggest area?........longest perimeter? 6.Joins and perimeter Investigate the number of joins and the perimeter. 7.Other “ominoes” Make some shapes using just 5 squares.....or 6 squares?? 8.Using triangle Use isometric paper to make shapes from 5 triangles 9.LOGO or Roamer Write a LOGO programme to draw a 4-omino........or direct a “pupil robot” 10.3-D exploration Use 5 multilink cubes to make a 3-D shape. How many can you find?

18 Braille Your task is to design a new coding system for letters in the alphabet. The code is based on a 2 by 2 grid with up to 4 dots in the cells. Here are a few...... How many different “Braille tiles” are there? How many of these use 2 dots.......or just 3 dots, etc....? Would you have enough for each letter of the alphabet? Make some 3-dot, 5-dot, 6-dot........Braille tiles 1 dot 2 dots 3 dots

19 Braille 2 Brill shape No dots1 dot2dots3 dots4 dots5 dots6 dots 14641

20 Braille 3 Brill shape No dots1 dot2dots3 dots4 dots5 dots6 dots 121 1331 14641 1510 51 1615201561

21 Sorting diagram 3 sides4 sides red not red Sort shapes by properties Sort numbers [odd, prime, multiples, etc] Make sets of criteria cards to create a variety of problems. Use bigger diagrams [e.g. 3 by 3]

22 oddfactor of 30square number multiple of 3 prime factor of 12 8 4 6 5 1 7 9 12 2 11 15 3 13 10 14

23 Always, sometimes, never... Multiples of 3 are odd numbers Squares have 4 right angles. A 4-sided shape has a line of symmetry An even number cannot be a prime number A multiple of 3 cannot be a multiple of 2. You can draw a triangle with 2 right angles A shape with 4 sides is a square. Always trueSometimes true Never trueNot sure

24 Graph & co-ordinate challenges y = x – 1x = 3 y = 2x + y = 5 This graph crosses the x-axis at (1,0) This graph passes through (4,2) This graph passes through (2,1)and (3,2) This graph passes through (4,3) but not (3,4) This graph is parallel to the x axis.

25 Thank you Check out The Pi Piper on the STEM Community resources J

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