Goals for the Unit and the Weekly Essential Questions Unit Goals: ●Students will be able to analyze and create Modernist texts that utilize new methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for the Unit and the Weekly Essential Questions Unit Goals: ●Students will be able to analyze and create Modernist texts that utilize new methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals for the Unit and the Weekly Essential Questions Unit Goals: ●Students will be able to analyze and create Modernist texts that utilize new methods of authentic communication. ●Students will be able to analyze a text individually, in small groups, and as a whole class. Essential Question for the Week: ●How do you retain control and individuality in a world that tries to make you all feel powerless? ●How can you avoid Jay Gatsby’s fate?

2 23 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●Finish Group Selfie Activity for The Great Gatsby ●Begin sharing groups’ selfies up on the SmartBoard. ○Discuss the idea of unreliability in The Great Gatsby. Homework:

3 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Camera below the subject

4 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Camera above the subject

5 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Canted camera angle

6 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Layering using background

7 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie ●Each of your group members will portray one character from this chapter in the group selfie: ○Nick, Tom, Daisy, or Jordan ●Your group must select 4 quotes from Ch. 1 to support how and where you posed each character in the group selfie. ●Think about the angle of the pic and what that suggests to the viewer too!

8 The Great Gatsby Group Selfie ●Turn in: ○A texted picture of your group selfie to me at 770- 324-2295. ○A Google Document for your group that explains: ■EACH quote you selected (How did you portray that quote in your pic?). ■Why you shot the pic the way your group did (angle, color, placement of characters, etc.). ○Drop your group’s Google Document in the class folder called “Group Selfies.”

9 24 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your laptops and log in to Google Drive. ●Finish working on Selfie activity in class -- All components of the activity are due by FRIDAY! ●ACT Newsflash: Go over the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide. Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. Homework : ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE THURSDAY! ●Be working on your Ch. 2 Organizer for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby! DUE THURSDAY!

10 25 March 2015 To-Do List -- 1st Period Take out a pen or pencil and prepare for a quiz. ●Quiz: Ch. 2 of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby ●ACT Newsflash Continued: Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. ●Work on Ch. 2 Organizers for The Great Gatsby in class! Homework ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE TOMORROW! ●Complete the Ch. 2 Organizer for The Great Gatsby. I will be checking them BEFORE THE DISCUSSION TOMORROW!

11 25 March 2015 To-Do List -- 2nd Period PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●ACT Newsflash Continued: Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. ●Work on Ch. 2 Organizers for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in class! Homework ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE TOMORROW! ●Complete the Ch. 2 Organizer for The Great Gatsby. I will be checking them BEFORE THE DISCUSSION TOMORROW!

12 26 March 2015 To-Do List “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2 DUE TODAY! Have the Practice Guide #2 out on your desk with your alternative reading material! ●Go over guidelines for the “Perception and Reality” research paper in this unit. ○Review research methods for students. ○Activity: Choose topics for paper. Homework ● Finish the “Research Interest Inventory” sheet and brainstorm your topic! ○Post your chosen topic to the “Topic” doc in the class Google Drive folder! ○If you are having trouble choosing a topic, even with the “Research Interest Inventory,” talk to me in class or EMAIL ME OVER THE BREAK! ● Begin researching your topic for the “Perception and Reality” research paper!

13 27 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●Quick Topic Discussion ●Compare and Contrast the Book and Film ○The Great Gatsby (2013 film) Homework ●Continue brainstorming your topic for the research paper! YOU SHOULD HAVE A GOOD IDEA OF THE TOPIC YOU WANT TO WRITE ABOUT WHEN WE COME BACK! ○If you know your topic, post it beside your name on “Topics” sheet in the class folder!! ●Begin researching your topic for your “Perception and Reality” Paper. Be thinking about a stance/thesis statement you want to take on your topic. ●Ch. 3 OF THE GREAT GATSBY SHOULD BE READ BY TUESDAY 4-6-15! KEEP THIS IN MIND OVER THE BREAK!

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