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2.1 Properties and Operations

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1 2.1 Properties and Operations
Pre-Algebra Unit 1

2 Properties A property is something that is true for all situations.

3 Commutative Property of Addition
In a sum, you can add the numbers in any order. A + B = B + A Order doesn’t matter

4 Commutative Property of Multiplication
In a product, you can multiply the numbers in any order. A x B = B x A Order doesn’t matter

5 Associative Property of Addition
Changing the grouping of the numbers in a sum does not change the sum. Associative Property  (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) Example: (6 + 4) + 3 = 6 + (4 + 3) Who’s hangin’ with who?

6 Associative Property of Multiplication
Changing the grouping of the numbers in a product does not change the product. Associative Property  (a · b) · c = a · (b · c) Example: (6 · 4) · 3 = 6 · (4 · 3) Who’s hangin’ with who?

7 Identity Property of Addition
The sum of a number and zero (additive identity), is the number. If you add 0 to any number, the number stays the same.

8 Identity Property of Multiplications
The Product of a number and one (multiplicative identity), is the number. If you multiply any number times 1, the number stays the same.

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