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PowerPoint No Zone. Next slide please! There’s no bullet list like Stalin’s bullet list! ! Comrade. Why are we having this meeting? The rate of information.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint No Zone. Next slide please! There’s no bullet list like Stalin’s bullet list! ! Comrade. Why are we having this meeting? The rate of information."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint No Zone

2 Next slide please! There’s no bullet list like Stalin’s bullet list! ! Comrade. Why are we having this meeting? The rate of information transfer is asymptotically approaching zero For reeducation campaigns, nothing is better than the AutoContent Wizard But why read aloud every slide?





7 Your audience, not your slides, should be the focus of the presentation.

8 What does this slide refer to?

9 Jobs: “What does it all mean?”





14 And the winner is…

15 Human Missions to the Moon Apollo 8 First manned moon orbit December 21, 1968 Astronauts Frank Borman James Lovell, Jr. William A. Anders

16 First Manned Moon Orbit December 21, 1968 Apollo 8 Frank Borman James A. Lovell, Jr. William A. Anders Human Missions to the Moon

17 What Annoys Audiences About PowerPoint Presentations The speaker read the slides to us (69) Text so small I couldn't read it (47%) Slides hard to see because of color choice (43%) Full sentences instead of bullet points (39%) Moving/flying text or graphics (25%) Overly complex diagrams or charts (22%) Communicating Using Technology, Vol 4, Issue 20, Oct 4, 2005

18 use Creative of text

19 Circumstantial Evidence Circumstantial evidence is… Missing piece of cake Fingerprint Trail of crumbs Chocolate on face Child ate cake Conclusion

20 Circumstantial Evidence

21 Addiction Addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving.

22 Addiction Addiction is a disease Genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors involved Behaviors can include: impaired control compulsive use continued use despite harm craving

23 Addiction is a disease

24 Contributing factors Environmental Psychosocial Genetic

25 Behaviors can include:

26 Inserting Video

27 Creating a Custom background

28 Jeopardy Game

29 Primary Colors

30 Primary + Secondary Colors Warm Colors Cool Colors Font Background

31 Cool Colors for Background Associated with peace and calm. Blue, blue-green, and blue-violets represent cool colors. Cool colors in a composition tend to visually recede and look smaller. They are not easily seen from a distance.

32 Warm colors for text Resemble fire and heat. Red, red-violet, red-orange, and yellow- orange are examples of warm colors. Warm colors appear closer and are more eye catching than cool colors.

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