Analysis & Simulation MEEN 4263/64. Why Conduct Analyses? It’s required Will the concept work? Feasibility? Component Sizing Material Selection Optimization.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis & Simulation MEEN 4263/64. Why Conduct Analyses? It’s required Will the concept work? Feasibility? Component Sizing Material Selection Optimization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis & Simulation MEEN 4263/64

2 Why Conduct Analyses? It’s required Will the concept work? Feasibility? Component Sizing Material Selection Optimization Failure Analyses Reverse Engineering

3 Tools for Analysis/Simulation Brain – think through the problem Calculator & paper, draw it out! Excel Matlab, MathCad CAD packages – configuration, some simulation (Solid Works with COSMOS) FEA – NEiNastran, Pro-Mechanica, COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, simple packages from book Fluent, ProEngineer Company-specific packages

4 Analysis vs. Simulation Similar concepts, Analysis is broader & more basic. Simulation typically involves a system or complete structure, with FEA or CFD. I can simulate the vibration of a flat plate with considerable confidence that it will be correct. See - DrLPeel/Courses/CEEN5321/CEEN5321_Notes1.pdf DrLPeel/Courses/CEEN5321/CEEN5321_Notes1.pdf

5 Helpful Notes, & Potential Pitfalls When using software: Conduct a tutorial first. Conduct a simple simulation or analysis where you know the answer. Watch units, keep units, and loads/parameters consistent. Guess properties or loads if you are not sure, but document. Look for ways to verify your results, try some simple comparisons. Don’t treat software as a “Black Box”. Understand your analyses. Ask someone else to check your work. Don’t be scared to try something new or different.

6 Sample Analyses…. Some of our later speakers will discuss in great detail. Simple Excel Calculation…. NEiNastran notes

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