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DISCOVERING SUSTAINABILITY. RRaja Ampat is a remote region in Indonesia famous for its marine biodiversity. Over 1,000 species of fish and three quarters.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCOVERING SUSTAINABILITY. RRaja Ampat is a remote region in Indonesia famous for its marine biodiversity. Over 1,000 species of fish and three quarters."— Presentation transcript:


2 RRaja Ampat is a remote region in Indonesia famous for its marine biodiversity. Over 1,000 species of fish and three quarters of all coral species can be found here. TThe resources needed by living creatures and plants to ensure that life is created and and sustained on earth are soil water, air and sunlight.

3  The oceans & seas hold about 97% percent of all the earth’s water. In these oceans live fish plants and mammals. Even the tiniest creature's, such as krill an plankton are vital to the oceans food chain. Some whales, for example, feed on krill.  Fish are a valuable soruce of protein an many people.








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