What is the Story Really About ? When you were younger, and it came time for revision, many of you probably took out a special colored pen and added in.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Story Really About ? When you were younger, and it came time for revision, many of you probably took out a special colored pen and added in."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Story Really About ? When you were younger, and it came time for revision, many of you probably took out a special colored pen and added in a few words or sentences to spice up your piece. Session 7

2 Writers and storytellers the world over know that the single most effective way to make a piece better is to write it once, then to think hard about the draft, and try it differently, then to set to work, improving the best of those efforts. In my own writing, after completing a first draft, I usually it aside and write a whole new draft. I might then talk to someone or get a new idea for my piece, and end up writing most of it again. Usually I find that what I write first is kind of the throat cleaning that a person does at the start of a conversation before he or she settles down to a real, deep true talk. Today I’m going to teach you how to redraft by thinking about the true big meaning behind your story. And you can expect that during writing time today, you will write a whole new draft of your piece.

3 Last year on a cold day in January, Mr. David Shaw, principal at Roxboro Road Middle School, walked into my 5 th grade classroom and told me that he had something to tell me. Thoughts were rushing through my head. “Did I do something wrong?” Mr. Shaw proceeded to tell me that the number of fifth grade students at Roxboro was going to be down significantly. He then told me that I still have a job teaching, but it would have to be at a different school. I was upset, but tried not to let this ruin my day. In order to show something huge, I’m asking you to read with me. Mrs. Warner’s draft one **What is the main thing the story is saying? What is it really saying?

4 After my first draft, I stopped and said what do I want my story to show? Mrs. Warner’s draft two As I sat at my desk after taking my class to specials, Mr. Shaw, my principal at Roxboro Road Middle School walked into my room and asked me if I had a few minutes. I said, “Of course.” Mr. Shaw told me that the upcoming fifth grade class at Roxboro Road Middle School was going to be significantly smaller next year. He told me that I will still have a teaching job, but it will be at another school. Mr. Shaw could tell I was upset. He said he was truly sorry he had to tell me this, but he wanted me to know before the rumors stated.

5 When writers rewrite they are working with the question, “What’s this story really about?” In a moment you are going to have a chance to write the story you wrote really differently. You’ll want some techniques up your sleeve to draw on in order to push yourself to write a whole new draft.

6 Thinking Up a Whole New Way to Tell a Story Tell the story differently to bring out a different important meaning or message Start the story earlier or later Tell the story out of order Include-emphasize-the part played by different people.

7 You are going to do a complete rewrite today. 1. Sit with your writing partner or partners 2. Get a sheet of notebook paper, fold it into a little booklet 3. Keep in mind what your story will be about. Jot down a few words on each page to place hold what that part will be about.

8 Now it’s time for Partner Work Partner One tell your story ideas from the booklet Partner Two listen like writing teachers SWITCH Partner Two tell your story ideas from the booklet Partner One listen like writing teachers Be aware of what you want you reader to feel at any one point of the story

9 Whenever you want to do something well, rehearsal matters. Think what is my story really about? It is important for you to put away your first draft and write a whole new draft.

10 Ways to Be an Effective Partner When Listening You Might Ask to see specific examples of what your partner has done. “Can you show me where you did that?” Ask for clarification “I’m not sure I understand. Can you say more about that? When Giving Feedback You Might Start with a compliment. “One thing I love that you’ve done as a writer …..” Give some constructive (helpful) feedback “One thing you might work on is ….”

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