STAGE 3 GRAMMAR. What we know Each noun belongs to one of 5 groups called “declensions”. In Latin I we have 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd declensions. Nouns also.

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Presentation on theme: "STAGE 3 GRAMMAR. What we know Each noun belongs to one of 5 groups called “declensions”. In Latin I we have 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd declensions. Nouns also."— Presentation transcript:


2 What we know Each noun belongs to one of 5 groups called “declensions”. In Latin I we have 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd declensions. Nouns also belong to one of 3 genders- masculine, feminine and neuter. Nouns have case endings that show how they are used in their sentences. Each declension has a set of case endings.

3 Case endings 1 st Decl 2 nd masc 2 nd neuter 3rd Nom aus um ? Gen ae ī ī is Acc am um um em Abl ā ō ō e

4 What we know Nominative-subject of the sentence Genitive-possessive Accusative-direct object Ablative-object of the preposition “in”

5 NEW GRAMMAR-MORE ABOUT PREPOSITIONS What are prepositions? – The little words like “in”, “on”, “into”, “onto”, “from”, “with”, “by” that are followed by a noun or pronoun. – The noun or pronoun that comes after the preposition is its object.


7 Prepositional phrases Not all prepositional phrases have their objects in the ablative case Some have their objects in the accusative case Prepositions that have the general meaning of motion toward something have objects in the accusative case Prepositions that have the general meaning of staying still, or moving away from something have objects in the ablative case.

8 “in” The preposition “in” in Latin has 4 meanings: “in”, “on”, “into”, “onto”. When it means “in” or “on”, the objects is in the ablative case When it means “into” or “onto”, the object is in the accusative case

9 “in” Piscina=fishpond In piscinā=in the fishpond In piscinam=into the fishpond In arcā=in the box In arcam=into the box In mēnsā=on the table In mēnsam=onto the table

10 Ad, ē/ex ad piscinam=to the fishpond Ad arcam=to the box Ē piscinā=out of the fishpond Ex arcā=out of the box – Ē & ex are the same word. – It works just like a & an in English. – Before a word that begins with a vowel, use ex – Before a word that begins with a consonant, use ē

11 In arcā

12 In arcam

13 Ad arcam

14 Ex arcā


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