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Rituals It is not enough to understand a dream with your mind. Now you must do something.

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Presentation on theme: "Rituals It is not enough to understand a dream with your mind. Now you must do something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rituals It is not enough to understand a dream with your mind. Now you must do something.

2 You must do something physical with your new knowledge. What sorts of things might be helpful? A physical act A practical act A symbolic act Examples

3 Tribal people understand this These people use ceremonies and rituals to connect more closely with the land, other people, one’s own purpose. We can learn: to develop what is meaningful for us To do this alone To do this in a prescribed, thoughtful manner To bring this knowing to our unconscious

4 Western people want to keep things abstract Talking about our insights keeps them in the abstract Doing something with our insights keeps us accountable to our new knowledge Westerners still think rituals are relics from our superstitious past

5 People in the West are realizing the value of ceremony The opening of Tibet with the exodus of the Dalai Lama Enhanced appreciation of Native American rituals and practices Scandals in Catholic church & others have turned many away from organized religion

6 But people are hungry for connection to the Spirit We developed rituals even in our prehistoric past- burial sites The meaning of the word “ceremony” is awe. Ceremonies were developed for times when we feel awe. They are developed to help us show reverence through formality.

7 NUMINOUS DREAMS These dreams are so emotionally affecting that we feel as if they came directly from the spirit world to us personally. They leave us drained, emotionally. The themes feel very important. People who have no belief beyond themselves are inflating the ego to the point they cut off nourishment from the unconscious. Deprived of ritual, we feel chronic emptiness

8 Ritual is “symbolic behavior, consciously performed.” Symbol becomes conscious through physical acts. It becomes a living reality for us. Ritual served many purposes for early man: Brought them into contact with the gods Allowed them to show respect for the Spirit Permitted them to touch the power but the power did not overwhelm them

9 The Ceremony of the Flowers The Dream of the Monastery Mother Theresa- the power of simple acts Do not use your dream insight as license to wound others even if you must separate from others. First consider your part in the demise of the relationship. Consider how to make the break with love.

10 Rituals need to be simple, subtle, positive, & affirmative The Dream of the Four Hoodlums Setting Action Conflict Resolution How he changed his lifestyle to honor the dream message

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