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American Cinema We will begin Hollywood and the Cold War today Late reviews must be turned in ASAP – grades will be posted on Friday morning.

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Presentation on theme: "American Cinema We will begin Hollywood and the Cold War today Late reviews must be turned in ASAP – grades will be posted on Friday morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Cinema We will begin Hollywood and the Cold War today Late reviews must be turned in ASAP – grades will be posted on Friday morning

2 Hollywood and the Cold War

3 The Cold War at Home With the Great Depression – tens of thousands of Americans joined the Communist Party After FDR ’ s Works Projects and WWII – most quit the Party

4 1950s – The NEW Red Scare Fears of conspiracy. China “fell” to the Communists in 1949 Fear that the Communists were going to try to overthrow the American government

5 In the summer of 1954, a branch of the American Legion denounced the Girl Scouts, calling the "one world" ideas advocated in their publications "un-American."

6 HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee Congressional committee to find Communists Focused more on Hollywood

7 “Hollywood Ten”  The movie industry was the first to be attacked by HUAC, claiming that communists had broke into Hollywood and polluted America with propaganda  Writers and producers were called to testify and when some refused to answer questions about their own political views, they were jailed for their disdain  Not only were these ten fined and sentenced to years in jail for contempt of Congress, they were also blacklisted from working in the film industry in Hollywood until the 1960's when the ban was lifted Herbert Biberman, Martin Popper, Robert W. Kenny, Albert Maltz, Lester Cole, Dalton Trumbo, John Howard Lawson, Alvah Bessie, Samuel Ornitz, Ring Lardner Jr., Edward Dmytryk, Adrian Scott.

8 The Blacklist Anyone with associations with the Hollywood Ten were afraid of being called Communist Studio bosses fired and blacklisted employees They also turned out a string of films warning against the dangers of communism at home and abroad

9 Cold War in the US Hunt for Communists continued into the 1980s. Influenced nearly all aspects of American political and cultural life from 1946

10 Movie traits Fear of communism (reds) Espionage Spies Fighting the reds in foreign lands to save the people of those lands from falling to communism “They” don’t stand a chance against “Us” Atomic/nuclear secrets Clever blending of a fictional narrative with the style of a documentary The importance of denouncing friends and relatives with communist associations Late 80’s and 90’s saw defection as a subject

11 Our Movies Red Dawn – 1984 – John Millius Blast from the Past – 1999 – Hugh Wilson

12 Red Dawn 1984 John Milius The outbreak of World War III has occurred, leaving a group of mid-western high school students turned refugees to slowly organize themselves into an effective guerilla force. The group becomes sophisticated enough to challenge and take on Soviet invaders.

13 The Hunt for Red October 1990 John McTiernan In 1984, the USSR's best submarine captain in their newest sub violates orders and heads for the USA. Is he trying to defect, or to start a war?

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