Operational fish larval drift modelling Bjørn Ådlandsvik og Frode Vikebø Institute of Marine Research Opnet meeting, Geilo, 14-15 May 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational fish larval drift modelling Bjørn Ådlandsvik og Frode Vikebø Institute of Marine Research Opnet meeting, Geilo, 14-15 May 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational fish larval drift modelling Bjørn Ådlandsvik og Frode Vikebø Institute of Marine Research Opnet meeting, Geilo, 14-15 May 2008

2 Why larval drift modelling Study recruitment processes in fish stocks  Prediction  Effects of climate variability Basis for biological Individual Based Models  Larval behaviour in the vertical  Growth  Survival

3 Why operational Fish eggs and larvae are vulnerable to oil spill accidents  A year class of a major fish stock is worth GNOKs Useful information for fish larval surveys Useful information for sea bird research...

4 How? Particle tracking  Lagrangian Advection and Diffusion model, LADIM Start from knowledge of typical spawning areas Include simple Individual Based Model  Vertical movement  Temperature dependent growth

5 Operational requirement Consistency requirement for oil spill overlap analysis: Fish larvae and oil transport must be forced from the same regional ocean circulation model  Otherwise exposure will be controlled by different current patterns

6 Difference from oil drift models Oil drift:  Usually know initial condition time and location of oil spill Larval drift:  Knowledge of typical spawning areas and times Longer simulation time Can be reinitialized if more information becomes available

7 Practical implementation Daily download operational ocean model forecast (Nordic4km) from met.no to IMR Append to a current and hydrographic archive Rerun the offline larval drift simulation from spawning/hatching Make plots and put the results on a web site  Presently: http://www.imr.no/~bjorn/oplarve


9 Cod from Møre

10 Cod from Moskenesgrunnen

11 Cod from Malangsgrunnen

12 Total cod larvae distribution

13 Total herring larvae distribution

14 Vertical behaviour for herring larvae Day: 5-20 m, Night: 20-40 m Vertical swimming speed up to 1/6 bodylength per second Combination of a deterministic and a random component

15 To do Improve the design of the web site  Now home made, get help from info dep. Give the web site a more prominent (and permanent) URL at www.imr.nowww.imr.no Implement larval drift into operational model suite at met.no  24/7 operational organization  More frequent updates of current forcing

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