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Gingerbread Houses Happy Holidays. 1-2-3 Gingerbread Houses Gingerbread Dough 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 1 cup full-flavor (dark)molasses 1 egg 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Gingerbread Houses Happy Holidays. 1-2-3 Gingerbread Houses Gingerbread Dough 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 1 cup full-flavor (dark)molasses 1 egg 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gingerbread Houses Happy Holidays


3 1-2-3 Gingerbread Houses Gingerbread Dough 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening 1 cup full-flavor (dark)molasses 1 egg 4 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon ground all spice Icing

4 Heat oven to 350°F. Line jelly roll pan, 15 1/2x10 1/2x1 inch, with heavy-duty foil, leaving 1 inch of foil overhanging at each end of pan. In large bowl, mix sugar, shortening, molasses and egg with spoon. Stir in all remaining Gingerbread Dough ingredients. Divide dough in half. Press half of dough in pan. Bake gingerbread about 15 minutes or until no indentation remains when touched in center. Cool 5 minutes; carefully lift foil and gingerbread from pan Cut gingerbread lengthwise in half, then crosswise 2 times to make 6 rectangles. Cut angles from 2 corners of each rectangle to form roof of house. (The corners make good nibbles.) Cool completely, about 1 hour. Repeat with remaining dough. Decorate houses with frosting and candies.


6 Alternative Recipe: I've used this recipe a few times and find it works well, particularly because you DO NOT chill it. In fact if it gets cold you must get it warm again to use it. 1 cup vegetable shortening 1 cup sugar 1 cup dark molasses or corn syrup (dark gives dark, chocolate colored dough; corn syrup gives light dough...or use half molasses and half corn syrup for a medium colored dough) Melt these three items in a pot over low heat. Remove from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon Then stir in 4-4 1/2 cups of flour, 1 cup at a time. (You may have to enlist the help of an electric mixer on the last cup as the dough gets quite thick and hard to stir. Split the dough into manageable balls, wrapping excess in plastic wrap. Roll out, cut pieces, bake at 375 for 6-12 minutes. Note: If you feel like the dough isn't working well, heat it in the microwave about 10 seconds to warm it, knead again and then roll it.

7 CONSTRUCTION TIPS To assure proper fit, check gingerbread pieces before assembling; if necessary shave edges with a rasp (sold in hardware stores) or a sharp knife. When assembling gingerbread pieces with icing, work with pastry bag with medium tip. Check vertical angles of major pieces with a right triangle or carpenter's square. To attach right angle pieces: Pipe a line along the edge of one piece; press it against the adjoining piece and hold it in place for several minutes until the icing sets. Let dry thoroughly propping attached pieces with a sturdy small object. When dry, smooth seams with a damp cloth; fill in any spaces with more icing. For extra stability, pipe icing along the inside seams as well. Allow to stand for an hour until the icing has completely dried before decorating.

8 MERINGUE POWDER ROYAL ICING 3 Tablespoons Meringue Powder (available where cake decorating supplies are sold) 1 1 LB box (3 3/4 cups) confectioner’s sugar 4-6 Tablespoons cold water Put dry ingredients together, add half the water, then add more water as needed. The consistency of the icing should be thick, where a knife can be drawn through it leaving a clean path...but not so thick it won’t go through an icing tip. Takes about 2-3 minutes with this method.

9 ICING TIPS You will need a basic knowledge of decorating with icing tips and bags to make gingerbread structures. If you have never done this before, practice first. Go to a cake decorating store and buy a Wilton book. It will show you techniques and give you lots of ideas. Buy some disposable plastic pastry bags, or ziplock bags and some tips. You can use tips you like some of the ones I use over and over are: Round tip 1 Round tip 2 Round tip 3You will also need what are called “couplers”. Buy several, you will want to have one for each color of icing you plan to at least 5. These are two piece sets, half goes inside the pastry bag, the other piece holds the tip on the pastry bag. If you are not familiar with this ask at the cake decorating’s really easy, but like anything else, if you have not done it before, it’s a little hard to explain.

10 Frosting Mixing icing is a double edged sword. It’s much easier to mix it all ahead, but you need to use it in a timely fashion or it hardens. I usually mix it up, and try to fold the pastry bags over to keep the top from drying out. If I need to keep icing overnight I put it in a Tupperware container right in the bags. They sell “covers” for the tips to be used for storage, but in my opinion they don’t make that much difference. You are going to have to unclog the tips anyway if you leave them sit for any period of time. Keep toothpicks handy for cleaning out tips, and a paint brush works well too for getting into the points of the tips. Toothpicks work well for helping correct errors, keep some handy

11 Coloring icing : Color small batches of this icing as needed with Wilton decorating pastes, which are much more intense and not watery like liquid food colors. Using the pastry bags: This is a simple matter of practice. Practice on wax paper before you try and decorate on the house. You might also want to decorate the house pieces flat before putting them together. It can be much easier to do intricate decorations flat rather than trying to work vertically.

12 Painting Another technique I use a lot is “painting”. I put a little icing into a small container or bowl and then add just the smallest amount of water. In fact sometimes I just wet the paintbrush and then stir the paint with it and that is enough water. You then paint the gingerbread pieces. The result when the icing dries is a smooth coating with no visible brush lines.

13 Decorating Techniques


15 This is a very basic house design. You can improvise from here. Add a chimney, cut out squares of gingerbread for a walkway, shingles, or whatever you can think of!


17 Other candies to use as your imagination allows: Gum drops M & Ms Red Hots Chiclets Wafers Candies (flat, round, old fashioned candies, wrapped in a wax paper wrapper) Marshmallows (for snow piles, snowmen, etc.) Little candy fruits (I've always wanted to do a market scene and use these somehow...)

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