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By: Josh Anna 4/27/10. Mr. Wolff Mr. Wolff was born in Atlanta and joined the Navy. He served from 1967-1968 as a swift boat skipper around Cam Ranh.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Josh Anna 4/27/10. Mr. Wolff Mr. Wolff was born in Atlanta and joined the Navy. He served from 1967-1968 as a swift boat skipper around Cam Ranh."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Josh Anna 4/27/10



4 Mr. Wolff Mr. Wolff was born in Atlanta and joined the Navy. He served from 1967-1968 as a swift boat skipper around Cam Ranh Bay. The Swift Boats were armed with grenade launchers and 2.50 cal machine guns. Their main job was to stop the delivering of arms to and from North Viet Nam. He was part of the Swift Boat Veterans that were against John Kerry during the 2004 election.

5 On behalf of our Vietnam War class, We wanted to thank our speaker for coming in and giving us a first-hand account of history. Also, We would like to thank him for his service. Without it, this class wouldn’t exist.

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