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Research Writing a Report. Concept  Your report tells what you have learned about a topic in your own words.  It is used to explain the topic to others.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Writing a Report. Concept  Your report tells what you have learned about a topic in your own words.  It is used to explain the topic to others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Writing a Report

2 Concept  Your report tells what you have learned about a topic in your own words.  It is used to explain the topic to others.

3 In Your Own Words In a report, it is important for you to say things your own way. They call this “using your own words.” Do not copy sentences exactly as written from your sources. This is stealing another person’s ideas. My Words

4 Process of Writing a Report  Think of something you are interested in learning more about.  Think of some questions you have about that topic.  Find a book, article, or look in the encyclopedia.  Look for key words and write notes about what you are learning.  Explain what you have learned in a report.  Share what you have learned with others.

5 Selecting a Topic Direct Your Research Think about what you want to learn. Think about what resources you have to find information. –Class librarySchool library –Text books like science, social studies –EncyclopediaInternet –Books you have a homeCity library

6 Questions to Narrow the Topic Specific, Closed Questions –These questions just require a yes or no type answer or a short answer. Do dolphins jump out of the air? How high can a dolphins jump? General, Open-ended Questions –These questions require more explanation. Why are dolphins considered very intelligent? How do dolphins take care of their young? Why do dolphins communicate with each other?

7 Narrowing a Topic Even More Divide big ideas into smaller ideas. How do dolphins communicate with each other? How do dolphins communicate danger? How do dolphins communicate food? How do baby dolphins find their mother?

8 Process of Writing a Report  Think of something you are interested in learning more about.  Think of some questions you have about that topic.  Find a book, article, or look in the encyclopedia.  Look for key words and write notes about what you are learning.  Explain what you have learned in a report.  Share what you have learned with others.

9 Steps to Using Your Own Words 1.Identify Key Words in the Text 2.Make a List of Important Words 3.Restate the Ideas 4.Check that it is different from the source

10 Identify the Keywords 1.Highlight, circle, underline, or think of the important words or phrases.  Water that overflows its banks and covers land that is normally dry is a flood.  Too much rain or a sudden melting of snow can cause a flood.

11 Make a List of Key Words  Write the words in a vertical list down the center of your page. Key Words

12 Restate the Ideas Another Way Combine information Substitute synonyms Change the order of information Mix with other information you know Think from a different point of view Expand information into a category Narrow information to your specific topic.

13 Writing in Your Own Words  Write phrases before and after the keywords to make them into a sentence.  Sometimes you even have to reorder the words so it is very different from the source. Key Words

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