Case Study 2014 Andrene Robinson Hunter College School of Education Teaching Candidate.

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1 Case Study 2014 Andrene Robinson Hunter College School of Education Teaching Candidate

2 Background and Context The school is a charter school and the lesson is being conducted in an integrated co-teaching (ICT) classroom. The grade level is Kindergarten. This is my job site. The ratio is 25 students to two teachers; one general education and one special education. My role is co-head teacher and to teach all academic subjects. The schedule for instructional time with my focus leaner is every weekday for approximately 6 hrs. This consists of 4 days of math instruction for about 1 hour each of the 4 days. The classroom is run by two teachers. Math is taught with the parallel teaching model. The math program that is used is called Investigations by TERC. Unit 6 was used for this lesson. A is a 5 year old kindergarten student who receives Speech/Language Therapy twice a week for 30 minutes.

3 The Learning Targets The primary learning target for A is to use and analyze visual images for quantities up to 10 when using math manipulatives (paper tiles) on grid paper. The secondary learning target is to describe two arrangements of tiles and record how many with a number sentence. For example, if she is working with 10 tiles; A will arrange the tiles on grid paper into 2 rows: 5 tiles on top and 5 tiles on the bottom. For her recording process she will include the number sentence (5+5=10).

4 A’s Strengths (Pre and Post) PRE- She is able to classify objects into various categories (i.e. vehicles and food) with moderate accuracy. She can independently point to items and is able to follow 1 to 2 step directions. For example, if she is told “Get your pencil and write you name on the top of the paper. She can carry out that request with no hesitation. In addition, she is able to state the differences when looking at objects. POST- A was able to follow two-step directions and use the manipulatives to find an arrangement of different numbers. She was able to describe her mathematical thinking and apply the correct number sentence to show her work. During the mini-lesson, A was able to recall the rule and explain that the tiles must share a side. She was also able to compare two drawings of tiles that either broke the rule or complied with the rule. During her independent work, she was able to choose a number, use the paper tiles to make an arrangement, and then use numbers to describe her work.

5 The Lesson Unit of Study: Arrangements of Five Through Ten Tiles: The focus of this math lesson is to have students decompose numbers in different ways by analyzing visual images (tiles) for quantities up to ten. Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate) A has been learning about the relationships between numbers. This lesson goes further by introducing her to the decomposing of numbers up to 10, into pairs in more than one way. (K.OA.1, K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.OA.5) Objectives: SWBAT use and analyze visual images for quantities up to 10. SWBAT pick a number between 5 and 10. SWBAT describe one to two arrangements of tiles and record how many. SWBAT to follow the rule that tiles that touch must share an entire side. Pre-Assessment: In the previous lesson, student was introduced to using six tiles to make various arrangements of 6. She learned the rule: tiles that touch must share a side. She also had a discussion about the arrangement of tiles, how many squares there were in all, and how she knew they were six in all. “Six Tiles in All”, gave Amelia six tiles to look at and describe. Post-Assessment: A will work with colored paper tiles on grid paper to complete the assignment. This work will be collected and assessed to determine future instruction and how more explicit instruction will proceed. In addition, an assessment checklist will be used during conferencing for notes and quick reference to record what numbers she chooses.

6 A’s Growth

7 Professionalism Student’s family signed a release for student to be photographed and/or recorded for academic purposes. Personal information was not provided during recording and only the student’s first name is used. Within the context of the written work, only the first initial was used. Lessons are aligned with the CCLS.

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