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Bacteria It’s everywhere!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria It’s everywhere!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria It’s everywhere!!

2 What do these two things have in common?
Yogurt Swiss Cheese

3 Bacteria (Monera) are tiny living things
Can only be seen by a microscope

4 Bacteria can be found everywhere living things exist.

5 Bacteria comes in three shapes

6 Not discovered until the late 1600’s.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek found bacteria by accident He made microscopes Looked at scrapings of his teeth

7 Good Bacteria  help to break down (clean up) dead things.
Called decomposers

8 2 types of bacteria Archaebacteria: live in extreme environment like the Great Salt Lake, mud at bottom of swamps, and sewage. Bacteria are what cause the bad smells at these places Eubacteria: live everywhere else. Most are useful or harmless

9 Food Good Bacteria  Yogurt Cheese Pickles Buttermilk Cottage cheese
Sauerkraut Sour cream

10 Good Bacteria  We have bacteria on our skin and inside our bodies.
Bacteria in our body helps to make us healthy and digest our food!  Vaccinations

11 Bad Bacteria  Bacteria can feed off of old food.

12 Bad Bacteria  Bacteria can spoil dairy products

13 Bad Bacteria  Not all bacteria attack food. Some produce Diseases!
Botulism Strep throat Pneumonia Whooping cough Lyme disease

14 You can be safe from bad bacteria!
Bacteria can’t survive in high temperatures Be sure to wash dishes in hot water!

15 You can be safe from bad bacteria!
Freezing and refrigeration may kill harmful bacteria, or at least slow it down!

16 You can be safe from bad bacteria!
Bacteria can be killed with disinfectants

17 Sometimes, harmful bacteria can enter our bodies.
The doctor can give us antibiotics. Vaccines can help stop the bacteria before t hey enter your body!

18 How can you fight bad bacteria?
Be sure to wash dishes in hot water! Freezing and refrigeration may kill harmful bacteria, or at least slow it down! Bacteria can be killed with disinfectants The doctor can give us antibiotics or vaccines.

19 Foldable Bacteria are living single celled organisms.
Most are harmless A few are pathogens that can make you sick Classified by shape Help us digest food Used to make insulin Decompomsers: break down dead things Found in cheese, pickles, and yogurt We should wash our hands often! Can be treated with antibiotics Can only be seen with a microscope

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