Leader+ Observatory Seminar ‘The Legacy of Leader+ at local level: Building the future of rural areas’ 24-26 April 2007 Cap Corse, Nebbiù è Custera, Corse,

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Presentation on theme: "Leader+ Observatory Seminar ‘The Legacy of Leader+ at local level: Building the future of rural areas’ 24-26 April 2007 Cap Corse, Nebbiù è Custera, Corse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leader+ Observatory Seminar ‘The Legacy of Leader+ at local level: Building the future of rural areas’ 24-26 April 2007 Cap Corse, Nebbiù è Custera, Corse, FRANCE Leader+: Network Building & Cooperation Haris Martinos, LRDP KANTOR & S.A.G. Contact Point European Commission

2 Why network, under Leader?  Networking is central to Leader  It is intrinsically linked to innovation and small scale bottom-up approaches  Many lessons can be learnt from past Leader experiences: - Who networks and why - Fostering cooperation - Issues that face those involved in Leader

3 Who networks and why? People are involved in Leader at different levels and across different target groups:  LAGs  Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies and Local Authorities  Other organisations, initiatives, and individuals who follow the Leader approach

4 Activities The core activity of any Leader network is communication and exchange of information, experience and knowledge through:  Formal activities of the network & NNU  Informal activities via LAGs & individuals  Face to Face communications  Virtual Networking  Partner search facilities

5 Goals & uses of networking There are different goals for networking in Leader, some of these are:  Gathering information on the practices followed by participants in the network  Promoting co-operation between LAGs  Promoting the Leader method and ideas  Other uses of networking or expectations of LAGs can often be controversial e.g. technical assistance and lobbying.

6 Formally networks and NNUs Different Networks:  EU LEADER+ Observatory Contact Point contracted by the European Commission  National Network Unit (NNU) contracted by relevant Managing Authority  Informal networks at regional and national level Network components:  Structure: NNU, Steering Group, Thematic Groups, Sub-Networks  Tools: databases, websites, publications, events, visits, thematic / expert groups meetings and publications, helpdesks, partner search facilities and “new technology tools”  Common networking tools: databases, transnational partnersearch tool.

7 Resources  Financial: vary from Member State & in accordance to the number of LAGs  Technical: essential for efficient functioning of networks (IT, contacts, language and cultures, thematic knowledge)  Human resources: rural development knowledge, skills in communication and organisation & enthusiasm for the network

8 Co-operation  Co-operation is a key action and one of the seven characteristics of Leader  It can be Transnational or Inter-regional  It can help produce more creative and effective solutions to rural development issues  It has enabled LAGs to share successes and solve problems in areas that have similarities  Cooperation can help reach critical mass  The benefits of co-operation have been both tangible (eg activities & jobs, enhancing the area’s image, improving competitiveness, developing skills) and intangible (eg raising local awareness, long-term relationships)

9 Challenges and Risks of transnational co-operation projects A number of risks and challenges are associated with co-operation:  Language and culture  Geographical distance & accessibility  Different expectations / unequal involvement  Time constraints  Programme differences, priorities and eligibility  Financial, administrative and legal challenges  Personalities and co-ordination of the project

10 How to address the challenges  Organise and plan projects carefully  A process of development and clarification should be developed for each project  All those concerned should agree and define: project objectives & needs, aims and goals, costs & finance, specific actions & ideas for transnational partners  Co-ordination is essential to ensure smooth operation: Strong project leader, identify other partners, arrange contacts, keep everyone informed, record project activities, devote time, management skills to drive the project forward, monitoring & evaluation.

11 What is a good co-operation project? A well organised and successful project should be able to:  Help the area’s development strategy  Bring added-value to the project & strengthen understanding of local people  Enable clearly defined objectives to be obtained in a realistic timetable & budget  Facilitate the acquisition of skills and competencies for local people so they are equipped in handling local issues

12 Networking can help co-operation Some of the most successful lessons can be learnt from past project experiences  Putting people in touch with each other (communication, during events, through technology)  Many documents, publications, guidelines & presentations available which record best practices  Partnerseach tools, seminars and transnational support programmes  Mentors and key experts who can provide help and advice.

13 Big Issues in Networking All networks face major challenges which may be difficult to define and quantify:  Getting the network going from the very start  Motivating participants to play an active role:  usefulness/quality of activities; managing diversity of views; supporting LAGs  Openness of the network:  fostering “belonging”; involving non-Leader actors; avoiding domination by few  Effectiveness of the NNU:  good geographical and thematic/expert coverage  strong, coherent and independent  excellent working partnership with MA and LAGs

14 Conclusions  Networking and co-operation have been at the heart of Leader  During the mini-plenary sessions debate the added value and benefit of networking and co-operation  Discuss:  issues raised in this paper  the results of Leader+  strengths/weaknesses of the approach  lessons for the future, incl. innovation and sustainability

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