Lynn W Zimmerman, PhD.  Sort the slips into the correct order.

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Presentation on theme: "Lynn W Zimmerman, PhD.  Sort the slips into the correct order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lynn W Zimmerman, PhD

2  Sort the slips into the correct order

3 Title page Acknowledgements Table of contents Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results (Findings; Discussion) Conclusion Appendix References (bibliography)

4  Participatory research  Collaborative inquiry  Action learning  Contextual action research  Learning by doing ◦ Identify a problem ◦ Do something to resolve it ◦ See how successful it was ◦ Try again, if necessary

5  Aims to solve practical problems and furthering the goals of social science  Twin goal ◦ To study a system and while collaborating with members of that system ◦ Co-learning  Scientific study ◦ Systematic and theoretical study of the problem

6  Cyclical ◦ Plan ◦ Act ◦ Observe ◦ Reflect


8  Traditional  Contextual  Radical  Educational

9  From Lewin’s work in organizations  Conservative ◦ Generally maintaining the status quo with regards to organizational power structures

10  From Trist’s work on relations between organizations ◦ Focuses on relations between actors in a social environment ◦ Stresses that participants are designers and co-researchers

11  Roots in Marxian ‘dialectical materialism’ and praxis orientation of Gramsci  Strong focus on overcoming power imbalances  Participatory Action Research  Strives for social transformation via an advocacy process to strengthen peripheral/marginal groups in society

12  Dewey – early 20 th century American educational philosopher  Professional educators should become involved in community problem-solving  Focus on the development of curriculum, professional development, and applying learning in a social context  University-based action researchers usually work with primary and secondary school teachers and students on community projects

13  Holistic approach to problem solving  Various methods ◦ Keeping a research journal ◦ Document collection and analysis ◦ Participant observation recordings ◦ Questionnaire surveys ◦ Structured and unstructured interviews ◦ Case studies

14  How would you document (collect data) for each of these case studies? ◦ Case Study 1: Comparison of test results after 2 types of vocabulary teaching strategies are used ◦ Case Study 2: Comparison of two teachers error-correction strategies ◦ Case Study 3: Students’ perceptions of a grammar lesson

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