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Mrs. Amber Smith AP Literature.  Biographical Information  Literary, Social, and Intellectual Contexts  Realism & Romanticism  Importance of Place.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Amber Smith AP Literature.  Biographical Information  Literary, Social, and Intellectual Contexts  Realism & Romanticism  Importance of Place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Amber Smith AP Literature

2  Biographical Information  Literary, Social, and Intellectual Contexts  Realism & Romanticism  Importance of Place

3  B. June 2, 1840  Dorset SW England  Father  Stone mason  Loved nature and rural life  Mother  Storytelling and folklore  Education  Formally ended at 16  Apprenticed as an architect  Self-improvement  Studied w/ Greek scholar Horace Moule  Married Emma Gifford  Remarried after her death-Florence Dougale  Lived in London for a short while  D. January 11, 1928

4  Victorian  Adherence to class structure  Gender/sexual values  Conflict between science and religion  Greek tragedy/fatalism  Anti-realism-fairytale, folklore

5  Published in 1891  Popular but controversial  Tragedy and Pastroal

6  Historical reality of places  Although invented Wessex, the place is carefully mapped out  Close relationship between Wessex and the south of England  Class and lack of happy endings  Jolts reader out of the text  Very insular

7  Observe how these locations mirror Tess’ psychological state:  Vale of Blackmoor (her town)  Tantridge-The Slopes (name of D’Urbervilles’ estate)  The Chase (the woods where she is raped)  Frome-(rich valleys)  Wellbridge (honeymoon house)  Flintcome-Ash farm (farm where she works while she waits for Angel)  Eminster (Angel’s parents)  Sandbourne (town where Angel finds her)  Stonehenge-(where Tess is arrested)

8  Superstition  Symbolism  Over-determined narrative  Nightmares and sleep-walking  Implausible events  Use of coincidence to advance the plot  Psychic use of landscape descriptions

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