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Honors Biology - Chapter 5

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1 Honors Biology - Chapter 5
The Working Cell

2 5.2 Energy Transformations in a Cell
Cell metabolism - uses or makes energy a) exergonic reaction - make energy: - release energy stored in molecules - oxidation (catabolic) ex. cell respiration b) endergonic reaction - use energy: - use energy (ATP) to do cell work - reduction, (anabolic) ex. move, synthesize Coupled reactions - energy released in exergonic reactions is used to power endergonic

3 Chemical Reactions either store or release energy

4 5.5 ATP - energy molecule in a cell
ATP - adenosine triphosphate adenine, ribose (adenosine) + three phosphates bonds between phosphates are easily broken phosphate group transfers energy

5 ATP - ADP ATP ADP + P triphosphate diphosphate phosphate group
P is free energy - powers cellular work Phosphorylate - add a phosphate group to a molecule - transfers energy to new molecule

6 ATP is renewable energy
ATP breakdown products (ADP + P) remain in cell are used again to regenerate more ATP when needed Energy from exergonic reactions Energy for endergonicreactions ATP made in cell respiration ATP used for cellular work Very fast!! 10 million ATP/second in a cell; needs help of enzymes

7 5.4 How ATP powers cellular work
Membrane Transport P  membrane protein Protein changes shape Protein pushes solute through membrane P released Biosynthesis P  reactant Reactants bond - Product forms P released Mechanical Motion P onto motor protein  protein changes shape Pulls on muscle fibers  muscle contracts P released

8 Enzymes speed up reactions

9 5.6 Enzymes are biologic catalysts
catalyst - speeds reaction but is not changed or used up Substrate - molecule the enzyme acts upon specific - only one kind of molecule Enzyme names - for process or for substrate - end in -ase

10 Enzyme must fit the substrate
Active site – region on enzyme molecule that binds to substrate molecule Active site substrate

11 Enzyme control all types of reactions
catabolic – breaking synthesis – building

12 Models of Enzyme Fit Lock-and-key model – perfect fit, no shape change
Induced fit – shape of enzyme changes when substrate attaches

13 5.7 Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
Enzymes are protein - shape is critical to function Temperature - heat makes molecules move faster  more contact - enzyme with substrate  faster reaction rate BUT - HIGH TEMPS DENATURE PROTEINS!

14 Enzymes and pH Ions - break weak bonds holding molecule shape
electrolyte (salts) or pH change

15 Enzyme activity and concentration
Increase concentration of enzyme or of substrate - increases reaction rate BUT ONLY TO A POINT limiting reagent – all molecules being used Rate does not increase any farther

16 Enzyme Inhibition 1. Competitive inhibitor - another molecule competes for active site - blocks substrate 2. Noncompetitive inhibitor – another molecule binds somewhere else on the enzyme -> enzyme changes shape - active site no longer fits substrate

17 A molecule made in reaction sequence inhibits the enzyme
Feedback inhibition A molecule made in reaction sequence inhibits the enzyme

18 Feedback

19 Product from later reaction inhibits an earlier reaction
Feedback inhibition in enzymes Product from later reaction inhibits an earlier reaction  Sequence stops

20 Feedback inhibition - examples
Many poisons and drugs act this way Penicillin (blocks bacterial wall assembly) Aspirin (blocks pain sensation) Sarin, malathion (block nerve impulses) In ALD – Lorenzo’s Oil blocks synthesis of long chain fatty acids

21 When substrate is at saturation: Non-competitive--- active site is still open, so some substrate molecules can still bind to active site  reaction continues but at slower rate

22 Inhibition can be reversed
If enough substrate molecules are present, some will displace inhibitor molecules

23 Coenzymes Many enzymes need the help of COFACTORS
- inorganic, ex. ions or COENZYMES - organic, ex. vitamins

24 5.10: Membranes organize chemical activities in a cell
a) keep structural order b) compartments have specific enzymes Plasma membrane - boundary between cell and its environment

25 Fluid Mosaic Model Describes structure of cell membranes
“mosaic” – sea of lipids with scattered proteins “fluid” – molecules float and move around within the layer

26 Fluid-Mosaic Model

27 5.11 Phospholipids make cell membranes
Phospholipid = lipid molecule with phosphate glycerol + two fatty acids + phosphate group phosphate group = polar end (hydrophilic “head”) Fatty acids = nonpolar end (hydrophobic “tails”)

28 Phospholipids form a double layer in water
Polar heads are on the outside ( touch water) Nonpolar tails are on the inside (away from water) - Unsaturated – keep membrane flexible

29 Features of the Cell Membrane
Semipermeable = some substances can pass through - some cannot - depends on: molecule size, charge, polar or nonpolar, needs of cell, signals from environment Cholesterol – scattered among the phospholipids - in animal cells only - keep membrane flexible in changing temperatures Carbohydrates – glucose chains on outside of cell - Identification “tags” - Receptor sites for messenger molecules

30 Membrane Proteins have many functions
Transport Allows a specific molecule to pass through the membrane Enzyme Catalyzes a reaction inside the cell Receptor Site for messenger molecule to attach

31 Transport Proteins Channels, pores, and carriers move particles across the membrane Specific May use energy

32 Signal Transduction Message from outside cell is relayed to a specific molecule inside cell Chemical signal binds to receptor protein - message sent inside cell - 2nd messenger relay - causes response in cell Ex. hormones, neurotransmitters

33 Receptor Proteins – Insulin Receptors
Receptors on cell membrane Insulin attaches Signal transduction Message allows glucose into cell Transport protein for glucose

34 Example: insulin receptors
- cause a different membrane protein to allow glucose to enter cell

35 Membrane proteins (2) Identification “SELF” – cell belongs
in this organism, Ex. immunity Junctions Cells join to form tissues, communicate Structure Attach to extracellular matrix or cytoskeleton; Keeps internal parts organized

36 How do membranes keep homeostasis?
Cell membranes are selectively permeable The lipid layer blocks most substances Some molecules can cross the membrane By passive or active transport Some are too big to cross at all

Diffusion: Molecules move randomly – spread out until evenly distributed

38 DIFFUSION Diffusion: movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Adjacent areas with different concentrations = concentration gradient Particles move in all directions (random) NET movement is from high concentration to low “Down the concentration gradient”

39 Diffusion Particles spread out until evenly distributed
 equilibrium (homogeneous) Still move randomly, but  NO further change in concentration

40 Cell Membranes allow some particles to cross
Particles can diffuse across the lipid bilayer if they are: Small Nonpolar (lipid-soluble) Examples: CO2 , O2, fatty acids

41 Ex. Gas exchange in lungs
Two or more solutes – each moves down its own gradient Ex. Gas exchange in lungs

42 Others need help to get through - Facilitated Diffusion
Transport proteins- specific for one substance Down the gradient - no cell energy needed Particles can cross by facilitated diffusion if they are: Small POLAR (water soluble) or CHARGED Examples: H2O, glucose, amino acids, ions .

43 Facilitated Diffusion
Diffusion through a membrane protein

44 5.15: Facilitated Diffusion
Channel (pore) Carrier

45 Why do particles cross the membrane?
Depends on: Size Polar or nonpolar Charge Concentration gradient Chemical signals inside or outside cell Needs of the cell

46 5.16: OSMOSIS Diffusion of water across a membrane
Important process in cell homeostasis  Water crosses the cell membrane easily - Small enough to pass between lipid molecules Also pass through special proteins, aquaporins

47 Water diffuses easily across membranes; many solutes don’t

48 Osmotic Pressure – tendency of water to move across a membrane
Which way does water go? From side with more water (less solutes) to side with less water (more solutes) Type of solutes doesn’t matter, only total concentration - down its gradient

49 Osmotic equilibrium when concentrations are equal
or when force of gravity equals osmotic pressure

50 Why osmosis matters Water crosses membrane easily, faster than many solutes Water will try to reach equilibrium If NET water moves into or out of cell  disrupts homeostasis Water balance is needed for homeostasis

51 TONICITY = osmotic pressure in cells
ISOTONIC Equal concentrations of solutes inside and outside cell Equal concentrations of water Water goes in and out of cell at equal rates

52 Isotonic pressure in cells
No NET movement of water into or out of cell Normal water pressure in animal cells Wilted (“flaccid”) water pressure in plant cells

53 When solute concentration is different on two sides of a membrane
lower solute concentration = hypotonic Higher solute concentration = hypertonic Solutes will move down their gradient IF THEY CAN CROSS THE MEMBRANE

54 Water concentration is OPPOSITE of solutes
Low solutes  HIGH WATER concentration High solutes  LOW WATER concentration Water WILL diffuse down its gradient and crosses the cell membrane easily Goes TO whichever side has more solutes

55 Cells in hypertonic solutions
Solutes are higher outside cell, water is lower Water leaves cell by osmosis Cytoplasm shrinks - “plasmolysis” - animal cells: shrivel - plant cells: low turgor pressure - cytoplasm pulls away from cell wall - but cell wall does not shrink

56 Cells in hypotonic solutions
Solutes are lower outside cell, water is higher Water enters cell by osmosis Cytoplasm swells - animal cells: swell, may burst (“lyse”) - plant cells: high osmotic pressure “turgor” - won’t burst (have a cell wall) - “Turgid” – stiff and firm, upright stem

57 Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic

58 Osmosis in Animal Cells
Animal cells like ISOTONIC conditions best

59 Plant cells like HYPOTONIC conditions best
Osmosis in Plant Cells Plant cells like HYPOTONIC conditions best

60 Plant cells in hypotonic solution Plant cells in hypertonic solution
Red blood cells - in isotonic in hypotonic in hypertonic Plant cells in hypotonic solution Plant cells in hypertonic solution

61 Contractile Vacuoles Fresh-water protists (like Paramecia or Amoeba) must constantly remove water that comes into the cell by osmosis

62 Cells can maintain a concentration that is NOT at equilibrium
5.18 Active transport uses cell energy Protein pumps move particles against the gradient - from LOW concentration to HIGH Cells can maintain a concentration that is NOT at equilibrium

63 Why would cells use active transport?
1) To concentrate substances: Examples: kidneys : wastes in urine - intestine : nutrients in blood 2) To maintain an ion concentration - sodium-potassium pump for nerve impulses


65 Na+ - K+ pump

66 in photosynthesis and cell respiration
Proton (H+) pump in photosynthesis and cell respiration

67 Bulk Transport – uses energy
For particles too big to pass through membrane Endocytosis = brings material into cell - fold cell membrane around it form a vacuole a. Phagocytosis = “cell eating” - large particles or whole cells - examples: amoeba white blood cells pseudopods

68 Endocytosis – substance pulled INTO CELL

69 Pinocytosis – “cell drinking”
Small folds of membrane take in liquids Example: small intestine absorbs some water this way

70 5.19: Exocytosis – substance goes OUT OF cell
- enclosed in membrane vesicle vesicle fuses with plasma membrane releases contents outside cell

71 Exocytosis For secretory cells
ex. Hormones from endocrine glands: pancreas - insulin  bloodstream digestive juices from pancreas, intestine  food cavity

72 “coated pit” on membrane
Receptor-mediated endocytosis Receptors on plasma membrane for a specific molecule Membrane encloses molecule  forms a vesicle “coated pit” on membrane

73 LDL Cholesterol cholesterol: essential for normal cell functioning and for making other lipids a) carried in the blood by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) b) LDL has a surface protein that fits a receptor on cell membranes - cells remove it from the blood by receptor-mediated endocytosis

74 5.20: Hypercholesterolemia
If receptors are faulty or missing, cholesterol remains in the blood  collects inside blood vessels (high risk for heart disease) and in pockets under the skin Cholesterol in pockets under skin cholesterol inside blood vessel

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