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Exam Grading Center of gravity at 86/87 We should do X, Y and Z, in relation to resource shortages and famines. Example NP: When people’s lives are at.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam Grading Center of gravity at 86/87 We should do X, Y and Z, in relation to resource shortages and famines. Example NP: When people’s lives are at."— Presentation transcript:


2 Exam Grading Center of gravity at 86/87 We should do X, Y and Z, in relation to resource shortages and famines. Example NP: When people’s lives are at risk we have an obligation to save as many as we can without seriously harming others. Peoples lives are at risk from famine. Doing X, Y and Z will enable us to save as many lives as we can without seriously harming others. We can see this if we examine this circumstance where X and Y saved lives. And in this other case Z helped as well. Furthermore we have the resources to fund X, Y and Z without great cost because... The normative principle in the second section makes sense to adopt because...

3 Default Grading A test which does each of the four things we ask adequately will be roughly on the line between a B and a B+. (86-87 points). Papers that don’t do some of these well will lose points for that (though these can be offset by gains from doing other things especially well. Tests which do especially well at some of these tasks will gain points.

4 Consequentialist Exam 1. State thesis. (This is your conclusion about what we should do.) 2. State and explain consequentialist normative principle (“We should act so that the overall consequences of our actions are as good as they can begiven our alternatives,” or whatever)and explain what things make for better and worse consequences. 3. Present empirical facts to show that the likely consequences of the actions proposed in the thesis are better than the consequences of the alternatives. 4. Defend your Consequentialist Normative Principle.

5 Nonconsequentialist Exam 1. State thesis. (This is your conclusion about what we should do.) 2. State and explain your normative principle. (There are lots of possible nonconsequentialist principles you might use.) 3. Present empirical facts to show that policies you advocate will meet the standards set by your normative principle. (For example if your NP is “Don’t kill people,” show that the policies you advocate are necessary to avoid or minimizing killings by the people who should adopt the policy.) 4. Defend your Normative Principles. (That’s the principles you gave in section 2.)

6 Example of a perfectly OK thesis & ways to make it better than OK Thesis says that we should (not) promote and fund immediate famine assistance, developmental assistance and population control programs. (with support for each of these in section 3). You need not favor all 3 or any of these – this is just an example. Ways to do better than this: – Be more specific about what kind of developmental, population and/or population programs you favor or disfavor. – Come up with something that you think will work that goes beyond these suggestions and comes up with a new kind of policy or program not discussed.

7 Ways to do better than OK on a NP Use an original NP of your own or a modified version borrowed from someone we read, or even find one you like that someone not on the reading list thinks is plausible.

8 Way to make section 3 better than OK. Include lots of evidence that your suggestions will do what your normative principle says we should do. Show that you’ve done some work looking into policies that may or may not work and explain why they will or won’t. Generally if your thesis is more specific your facts here will need to be more specific and this will then require additional detail here that makes your third section better as well.

9 Ways to do especially well at the fourth task Present the reasons for adopting your NP in an especially clear way. Have an original argument for your NP. Use especially clever and persuasive examples to support your NP (like Singer does with the drowning child but doing something like that that’s original to you). Do a nice job explaining and developing some of the ideas used by one of the moral theorists we read to defend your normative principles.

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